Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,38

reaches up and ruffles Roan’s hair. “I’ll take care of yours if you take care of mine.”

He’s stiff but when he catches sight of Roux and Charlotte talking nearby, his shoulders sag in defeat. “Okay.”

Jordy growls from behind me, but my mother doesn’t notice his rage.

“Wonderful. How about we all meet up at The Mushroom Hut? My treat. Everyone loves pizza, right?” Mom beams at us. “You boys better shower first, though.”

“We’ll totally be there, Mrs. English,” Sidney says, reaching over to take my hand. “Thanks for inviting us.”

“Right. Meet you there,” Roan grunts, pushing between Sidney and me, breaking our hands apart.

Mom tosses me a knowing wink, which I pretend I didn’t see. She has no idea how much this guy hates me. And she just invited all the Hoodlums for dinner. Fucking great.

“We’re almost there,” Sidney assures me and points. “Turn here.”

I’d wanted to drive alone, but Sidney hopped in my car when everyone left the pizza restaurant. The Hoodlums surprisingly hung out with Roux and Charlotte, ignoring us, while Sidney and Gio chattered my mom’s ear off. No fights broke out, so I consider dinner a success.

Even if I couldn’t stomach a single bite of the pizza.

I pull up to a snow-covered camp area, nestled in the woods, and shut off the car. Vehicles are parked already. It appears we’ve arrived later than most everyone. I’m about to open my door when Sidney runs her palm over my jean-clad thigh.

“I like your mom,” she says softly. “Much nicer than mine.”


Her palm slides higher. “We could be good together, you know. Really good.” She palms my cock through my jeans, making me hiss out.

Gripping her wrist, I pull it gently away. “No.”

Shock morphs her pretty features. Apparently Sidney isn’t used to being told no. For a brief moment, she seems tired. Used and abused and worn out. When she’s not smiling, she looks pretty fucking sad.

I hold her hand, threading my fingers with hers. “It’s not that kind of no. Not how you’re thinking. More like the fact that I couldn’t ever reciprocate.”

“I give good head,” she whispers. “I don’t need anything in return.”

“You should, Sidney,” I say firmly, pinning her with a hard stare. “You’re sweet and funny and fucking beautiful.”

Her lashes bat hard at her cheeks, but it’s because her eyes are watering and she’s trying desperately to hold back tears. “Why are you saying these things?” A tear leaks down her cheek.

I reach up and swipe it away. “Because they’re true. You’ll make some guy really happy. Just not this guy. And, for the love of God, stay away from the Hoodlums.”

“If I’m so funny and pretty, why doesn’t anyone want me?” Her bottom lip wobbles. “Not you. Not the Hoodlums.”

“I can’t speak for those assholes, though I’m almost positive it’s because they’re self-centered dickheads who only love themselves, but I can speak for me.” I give her a genuine smile. “Sid, I’m gay.”

She blinks at me as my words settle in. “What?”

“Gay. Not bi. Just gay. I like guys.”


Leaning in, I kiss her wet cheek. “But if I were straight, you’d be my type. The serious girlfriend with marriage potential type. I hope you find someone who sees that because you deserve it.”

She hugs me and then cries softly into my neck. I stroke her silky hair, almost wishing I could be that person for her. I can barely be the person I need to be for me. Someone bangs on the window, making Sidney scream in surprise.

“Hey, lovebirds, save some kisses for me,” Gio says, pressing his mouth against the glass.

We both laugh at his antics.

“Yeah, yeah, we’re coming,” I grumble.

He walks off chuckling. I grab her hand and squeeze it.

“Listen,” I say with a sigh. “Since you’re my friend and all, I want to confide in you. While I’m gay, and I already came out in my old hometown, I’m not ready for that here. Not with the Hoodlums breathing down my neck and just getting on the basketball team. Can we keep it between us?”

“Can I at least tell Wendy? Gio? I need to tell someone. Please,” she begs. “You can’t give a girl such juicy information and tell her to zip her lips.”

“You can tell Gio,” I relent with a smile. “If you let him ask you out.”

She snorts. “Good one.”

“I’m being serious.”

“Have you seen him? He drives a van.”


Her lips press together before she lets out a huff. “He’s Gio. I don’t know. I’m not attracted to him.”

“Because you’re

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