Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,37

left grinning.

“You played so well!” Sidney exclaims as she bounds over to me. She throws her arms around my neck for a hug. “Ew, you stink.”

“I just ran my ass off,” I say with a chuckle, hugging her back. “You walked into this sweat trap.”

She pretends to look offended but makes no moves to peel herself from me. Gio walks up, winking at me.

“You two are so cute,” he teases, batting his lashes. “Future prom king and queen.”

“Pass,” I grumble.

Sidney pouts. “But we’d be such a cute couple.”

I manage to pull her away from me. “Yeah.”

“So convincing,” she groans. “Well, I can speak for everyone when I say we’d be adorable. Right, Gio? Back me up on this one.”

I smirk as he placates her in a teasing way. Gio clearly likes Sidney. From what I’ve gathered this week, she’s on a totally different social rung than him, but they get along great regardless. Maybe if she wasn’t so hell-bent on trying to date me, she’d give a guy like Gio a chance.

“Hello, Earth to new kid,” Sidney whines. “You’re always in your head. There’s a whole world out here with me in the center of it.”

Gio snorts. “Give him a break, Sid. He just scored most of the points for our team. I wouldn’t be surprised if he passed the hell out at any second.”

“Save the passing out for my tent later,” she whispers, fluttering her lashes at me. “You’re going, right? To Campfire Chaos? I’ve only begged all week.”

“I, uh,” I start but then snap my mouth shut when I feel an intense presence behind me.

“What’s happening?” Roan’s smooth rumble ripples down my spine and makes the hairs on my neck stand on end.

“We’re inviting Hollis to Campfire Chaos,” Sidney says bravely, staring past me with fiery challenge in her eyes.

“Me too,” Gio throws in. “Packaged deal.”

Sidney’s lips twitch. “Duh.”

“I don’t remember inviting the rat to the river,” Roan says in a menacing tone. “Do you?”

I don’t have to see them to feel three more guys flank Roan. Having them at my back makes me nervous, but knowing we’re in front of a shit ton of parents, students, and teachers helps.

“It’s fine,” I mutter.

Sidney’s face tightens with fury. She opens her mouth to speak when my mom pushes her way into the group to hug me.

“You did amazing, honey,” she praises, kissing my sweaty head. “I was so proud.”

I close my eyes, ignoring all the bullshit, and focus on my mom. So strong. So loving. So kind.

“Thanks, Mom.”

She pulls away to grin at everyone in the group. “Hi, Roan.” Her smile is sympathetic and motherly. Then, she regards the others. “I’m Kelsey.”

Roan sheds his asshole attitude and introduces his friends. Terrence and Cal shake hands with my mother, both wearing matching good ol’ boy grins. Jordy grunts out a hello and manages to somewhat smile for her, which feels crazy to me since I’ve never seen him do it before. Gio hams it up for her when he introduces himself, making sure to kiss the back of her hand. I kick him in his ass, aiming for his balls, but he manages to thwart my attempt.

“I’m Sid. Hollis and I might go to prom together.”

Mom’s brows lift in amusement. She knows I’m not into Sid, but she plays along anyway. “That’s wonderful, sweetie.”

Sidney preens and then sidles up to my mother, her eyes flashing with victory. I don’t know what she thinks she’s won. That is, until she opens her mouth. “We invited Hollis to go camping with us. Cal’s dad owns a campground and in the winter, we basically have the place to ourselves. Everyone behaves. We cook hot dogs and tell ghost stories. Super fun and safe.”

Mom chuckles. “Wasn’t born yesterday. I know you’re giving me the G-rated version.”

Sidney’s face burns bright red. “I, uh, I…”

“It’s okay,” Mom assures her. “My son is eighteen. It’s good to see him going out and meeting new people. I trust you all to take care of him.” Her eyes settle on Roan, who’s now come to stand beside me, our shoulders brushing.

“I won’t be there.” His voice is gritty and raw. “I have to get back to Roux.”

Mom’s eyes light up. “About that. I was just coming over here to ask you if it would be okay for Roux to spend the night with us. She tells me you’re staying at the nice fireman’s house and that he lives close by. I promise we’ll take good care of her.” She

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