Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,23

muscular shoulders. His hips are narrow and his jeans hang off his ass enough to reveal his black Hugo Boss underwear band. I’m still staring when he shoves his jeans down, showing off the tight globes of his ass.

“Who the fuck does he think he is?” Jordy demands, coming to stand beside me. “Coach acted like he was some basketball god. I’ll be damned if he plays on this team.”

I tear my eyes from Hollis when he pushes down his underwear. I’m not going to lust over my fucking nemesis, especially when I don’t even understand why I feel this way in the first place. My dick may be confused, but my mind knows exactly what’s up. Hollis is a little bitch who’s getting in my way.

“His aunt is the principal, man,” I bite out. “Coach will put him in.”

“I’ll make sure he doesn’t play,” Jordy threatens. “Hard to play ball with broken wrists.”

I sling my arm over Jordy’s shoulders. “We’ll figure out some other way to knock him down a few pegs. Don’t take this away from Roux.”

Defeated, Jordy relaxes. “I never heard her laugh like that, Roan. Ever.”

“She likes Charlotte a lot. Unfortunately, Charlotte is Hollis’s little sister. We just need to be careful where the girls are concerned.”

He nods. “I may hate that kid, but I’d never do Roux dirty. You know that.”

“I do and that’s why you’re my best friend.”

I stick my tongue in his ear just to piss him off. He shoves me away and swipes at his ear, laughing. Truth be told, Jordy’s laugh is one I don’t hear often either. It’s a good sound. A real good sound.

The four of us cut up while we undress. Hollis is leaving the showers as we enter. I stay back and nod for my friends to keep going. My towel is wadded up in my hand, covering my junk, thank fuck, because my body is reacting to his.

Why does this asshole have to look so good?

With his hair wet, it no longer looks blond, but instead brown. Water rivulets run down his muscular pecs and down his tight abs. His obliques are a beacon, directing the eye down to where his towel is wrapped at his waist, covering his dick. The blond hair below his belly button glistens and my mouth waters wondering what he tastes like right there.

“Keep staring at me like that and people are going to wonder,” he says, his voice low and meant only for me.

I walk right up to him, our noses nearly touching. “Wonder what, rat?”

“Why Roan is sporting a hard-on for the new guy.”

Smug ass motherfucker.

“I don’t have a hard-on, freak.”

His lips twist up on one side in a half grin. Blue eyes twinkle with mischief. “But you will.”

My jaw clenches. “You’re fucking with danger.”

“I can’t help that danger looks so good.”

What is this?

Is he fucking flirting with me?

I grab one of his shoulders to push him away, but my greedy hand won’t let go. I’m transfixed by the way his muscles feel in my grip.

“Don’t forget that I hate you,” I snarl, squeezing his shoulder.

He breaks free from my grasp. “Don’t forget that you hate me when you’re jerking off later.”

With those words, he leaves me with the hard-on he promised.

Fuck him.

Problem is, I kind of want to.


Me: I made the team.

Lucas responds immediately.

Lucas: You told me you weren’t trying out!

Me: It sort of happened.

Lucas: Of course it did. Story of your life, golden boy. All the good things fall into your lap.

Like you, I think bitterly. But then he ended it.

Me: So who’s the lucky lady nowadays?

The dots move and then stop. I frown as I wait for him to respond. Ten agonizing minutes later, he sends me a text.

Lucas: Eric.

Eric? Eric from our team Eric? Eric, who last I checked, was dating some college chick?

Me: Ha ha.

Lucas: Truth, man. People know now…that I’m bi. I worried over nothing.

Acid burns in my gut. For months, we slept around in secret, kissed in corners, and kept our friendship turned lovers relationship on the down-low. And in the few weeks I’ve been gone, he’s suddenly come out and openly dating someone from our team?

Me: Congrats.

“Who pissed in your Cheerios?”

I nearly drop my phone and dart my head up. Roan stands in the doorway of my room, his hands gripping the doorframe as he leans in. It does amazing things for his biceps, making them strain against his T-shirt. The bottom of his shirt rises up to reveal toned, tanned

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