Hood River Rat (Hood River Hoodlums #1) - K Webster Page 0,22

at the moment. When he licks his plump, pink lips, heat burns down my spine. I’m embarrassed and should look away, but I don’t.

I fixate on how his lips now glisten.

I drag my stare along his pale throat, noticing the bulge of his Adam’s apple and wonder if it protrudes when he takes Lucas’s cock.

I’m sporting a chub in my sweats, which is fucked considering I hate this kid. I’ve never been attracted to a guy before. I like sex and have plenty of it…with girls. But my curiosity is strong. My mouth waters to taste him. To bite him. To kiss him.

Images of his mouth on mine are not bad ones. I don’t feel ashamed or grossed out. No, I’m fucking turned on. With a groan, I scrub my palm down my face before tearing my stare from him. Terrence is imitating his grandma, so I lose myself to his hilarious story.

Don’t look.

Don’t look.

I look a few times.

I’m distracted and practicing like shit. My eyes keep drifting to where Hollis sits with his sisters and mine on the bleachers in the gym. Coach Rendell is running us hard and I want to fall to the ground and die.

Terrence dribbles easily past me and throws the ball to Wyatt, who shoots. They make the basket and Coach yells at me.

“Come on, Hirsch! Would you rather play dolls with the girls?”

I grunt and try to focus on the next play. I’m tearing down the court when I hear Roux’s giggles. The ball falls from my grip and rolls out of bounds right over to Hollis. Coach yells at me again. Ignoring him, I trot up to them.

Hollis picks up the ball and throws it at me. Hard. Challenge gleams in his stare. Because I’m a dick, I throw it back at him, harder. Hoping to knock him on his ass. He catches it like it’s no big thing. We go back and forth, throwing the basketball to each other, harder and harder. Then, instead of throwing it back, he takes off with it. Flashes right by me, dribbling fast. I turn around to see him sidestep Jordy’s crazy ass, outrun Cal’s long legs, and then shoot over Terrence’s arms trying to block it. The fucker makes the basket from the three-point line.

Everyone just stares at Hollis.

“You go to school here?” Coach asks him.

“It’s Principal Frazier’s nephew,” Brody reveals like he’s a fucking gossip girl.

“No shit?” Coach grins. “Want to practice with us today?”

I expect Hollis to shrug him off or something, but he nods, an easy smile on his face. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

Jordy shoots a death glare at him. Cal and Terrence don’t seem impressed either. I’m annoyed as fuck. Coach is going to want to replace me with a rat. Unbelievable.

The rest of practice, Hollis annihilates. He dominates the court. It’s surprising because he’s shorter than anyone on the team and just looks so…pretty and breakable. And considering he passed out this morning and only ate an apple, my mind is reeling.

Who is this kid?

I always have basketball. Even with Mom being a shit parent, and me taking care of Roux, I have this. Something I’m good at and call my own. Now, it feels as though it’s being taken away from me. Hollis has infiltrated my life in every aspect. School. Job. My sister’s friends. Basketball. Anger swells up inside of me. I know it’s probably unfair to blame him, but I do. Fuck him for being perfect at everything.

We’re all dripping with sweat and dying by the time practice ends. Coach tells Hollis to hit the showers and to grab some of the extra clothes to borrow since his are drenched. I shoot a look Roux’s way and when I see her happily talking with Charlotte and Penny on the bleachers, I head for the locker room.

Several guys are already undressing and talking to Hollis like he’s on the fucking team. Jordy, Terrence, and Cal all give him dirty looks. I know mine rivals theirs. As soon as Hollis’s smiling face looks my way, he flinches.

Damn right.

I hope he feels my anger radiating from me.

Is this how Dad felt all those times before he kicked someone’s ass?

The thought sobers me up and I breathe out heavily, trying to expel some of my dad’s rage. Hollis must sense my fury because he retreats toward the showers. He pulls off his hoodie and shirt, dropping them on a bench along the way. I take in his sculpted back and

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