Honor Student - By Teresa Mummert Page 0,22

for a moment, returning with clothes in hand.

“I want to show you something.” He said but I did not respond, just gazed around the expansive building. “Come on” he said quietly, taking my hand and pulling me behind him. He led me to a large brown door on the other side of his living room. He pulled it up, exposing an old elevator. We stepped inside and it began to rise to the next level.

We stepped out in to the large cavernous space. It was dark, the windows blacked out. William walked up behind me, wrapping his hands around my waist. For a moment, it felt like a caring gesture.

“What is this?” I asked as my eyes began to adjust. I could make out large objects staggered throughout the space.

“This is where I play.” He whispered into my ear.

Chapter Sixteen

His hand slipped around my neck, squeezing slightly as he licked his lips. I was breathing heavily and I tried to hide the fear that was rising inside of me.

“I want to hurt you.” He warned. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as he spoke. Part of him scared me but I could not get enough of him. I leaned in slowly, feeling his breath on my lips.

“Maybe I want to be hurt.” His body tensed and he sucked in a ragged breathe. His lips immediately crushed into mine from behind. His fingers tangle in my hair, pushing my mouth harder into his.

“Get on your knees.” He moaned and I dropped to the floor, staring up at him as he undid his belt. He slowed as he unbuttoned them and slid the zipper down, his eyes locked on to mine. “Take me in your mouth.” He instructed as his hands slid into my hair. I slipped my hand into the waistband of his boxer briefs. I tugged them down, freeing him. He was larger than I remembered and I hesitated for a moment, not sure what to do. He wrapped his hand around himself and slowly pushed against my lips. I looked up at him, pushing back at him with my tongue. He breathed heavily, his eyes hooded and full of wanting. He pushed again and I let him slide passed my lips. I used my tongue against him as his hips moved back and forth, slowly pushing himself further into my mouth. He licked his lips and fire shot through me. I opened my mouth wider, allowing him to slip inside fully. He moaned and I began to move faster against him. His fingers knotted tightly in my hair. I felt powerless and completely in control at the same time. “Stop” he pulled my hair just hard enough to make me stand. His free hand slipped down between my legs, sliding his fingers along the apex of my thighs. I moaned quietly wanting to kiss him, but he held my hair tightly, keeping me back.

“Please” I breathed.

“I like it when you beg.” He moaned and I wanted nothing more than to please him. He walked me backwards to the wall and pushed me against it hard. He tugged at my shirt and I lifted my arms so he could pull it over my head. His eyes stared into mine as he undid my pants and slowly pushed them down.

“You will need a safe word.” He said, his mouth hovering over mine.

“A safe word” I repeated back, not understanding.

“In case you want me to stop.” He explained. All I wanted was for his hands to be on my body. I could not imagine asking him to stop.

“I don’t think…” I began but he placed his finger over my lips to stop me.

“It’s just in case.” He assured me. I bit my lip as I tried to come up with something, anything but all I could think of was touching him.

“Flower” I blurted out. He let out a deep laugh.

“Flower” His lips met mine, sending pleasure shooting through my body. I pressed myself against him and tugged at his belt. His breath quickened and suddenly he grabbed my hands, pushing them hard against the wall. He captured my lower lip in his teeth, tugging at it gently.

“Now the real fun begins.” He smirked. He moved my hands higher until cold metal pressed against my wrists. Something tightened around them and I tugged against it, but was unable to pull my arms back down. He stepped back, looking over me.

“You look incredible.” He said with complete admiration. He pulled

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