Honor Student - By Teresa Mummert Page 0,21

fresh air.

“I’m going.” I said and my aunt’s eyes never left the television. I made my way into the garage. I sat in silence for a moment, deciding if it was even a good idea to call Mr. Honor. I decided to send him a text.

This is a bad idea.

I hit send and backed out of the driveway. Before I reached the road, my phone lit up.

It is too late for that. Are you alone?

I bit my lip as I thought about how to answer.

I am in my car.

I turned right and headed into the parking lot of the grocery store across the highway. My phone lit up again as I put my car in park.

Where are you?

The grocery store near my house

I will be right there.

I took a deep breath and cranked up the radio. My heart raced as I thought about him, his eyes on mine, his lips. He was not anything as if I thought he would be. He was rough, uncaring and forceful but I could not get enough of him. I was scared I would not be able to stay away from him. He could lose his job. Even though I was an adult, it was still against the rules for us to be together.

Chapter Fifteen

William arrived only a few minutes later and I realized he must have been waiting somewhere close by. He got out of his car, staring at me for a long moment. I knew I could not turn back. I felt the fire burning between us and I wanted nothing more than to be with him again.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he slowly walked closer.

“I’m fine.” He cupped my face in his hands, kissing me softly on the forehead. Electricity shot between us as he touched me.

“I’ll get you your things. Wait in my car.” His jaw clenched as he spoke. I nodded and walked over to his car.

I turned on the radio as I waited, flipping through the stations to find something upbeat. I settled on an old rock station. I ran my fingers over a dark red rosary that hung from the gearshift. I tried to picture Mr. Honor in a church but it just did not fit. I picked up a small folded paper from the change compartment, glancing out the windshield to make sure he was not coming, before unfolding it.

I know what you are doing. I will make you pay.

I gasped aloud. The door to my car slammed and I glanced up to see Mr. Honor walking towards me, my purse in hand. I quickly folded the note and placed it back where I had found it.

“Find everything?” I asked as he slid the bag in to the back seat.

He nodded and tucked my hair behind my ear. I swallowed hard wishing he would touch me again. His jaw clenched as he put the car in reverse and pulled out of the parking lot.

We rode in silence as we made our way across town. In the daylight, Kippling took on a completely new life. The streets where packed with tourists and retirees who wanted to soak up some warm Florida sun. I stared out the window at the happy families as my stomach panged with jealousy. William placed his hand back on my leg. I was not sure if he meant to comfort me or if he was just claiming me as his territory. I did not care either way. It was nice to be around someone who did not look at me as if I was a puppy that had just been kicked, even though that is exactly how I felt most of the time. The note I had found in the change compartment played over and over in my head. What had Mr. Honor done? Who was after him? I wanted to ask him, but I could not form the words. Too much was happening. I was very self-destructive by nature and I did not want to ruin things for William while my world was continually falling apart.

We pulled into the factory a few minutes later. The building was dark and cool compared to the morning sun outside. I got out of the car as William grabbed my purse. I walked ahead of him up the dark staircase, his hand on my back. The time I had spent with him here only last night, felt like a lifetime ago. William sat my bag on the kitchen island; he disappeared in to his room

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