Honor and Desire (Gold Sky #3) - Rebel Carter Page 0,40

to marriage.”

He nodded, his hand squeezing hers. “I know that. Aim to make it to the altar with you before long.”

That knocked the air out of her lungs at August’s words. “I quite feel as if though I’m dreaming.”

“Do you mean that in a good way?”

“I don’t rightly know,” she confessed.

“Understandable.” August gave her a chagrined smile and stood from where he was. “I know this is overwhelming. Let’s get you back to the picnic if you like, or would you care to go home?”

“I think home would be best,” Seylah said, following suit, and standing from her seat. Her limbs were shaky and the food she had eaten was like lead in her stomach. It was as if she had just worked the horses for hours on end, but she had done nothing more strenuous than paint her lips and dress prettily.

It boggled her mind that she was so weary after so little physical exertion, though she estimated her tiredness stemmed more from the wild swing of emotions that she had experienced in only a handful of hours. She smoothed her hands down her skirts and forced one foot in front of the other as she made her way to the door. She had very nearly calmed her nerves when she felt August’s hand at her elbow.

She looked down and nearly tripped at the gentle touch. “What are you doing?”

“Keeping you from hitting the ground. Have you had any water today? Did you sleep at all?” August asked, opening the door. He paused and leaned close to peer curiously at her.

She batted him away. “Stop that.”

He gave one shake of his head. “No.”

Her eyes narrowed at him and she forced her way past him. Behind her August sighed heavily. “Where are you going?”

“Home,” she told him without a look behind her.

“Not without me.” The bang of the door sounded and then August was beside her, this time his hand was at the small of her back and Seylah’s heart fluttered in her chest.

Seylah’s steps quickened, and she suddenly wished her mother had chosen one of the outfits from her wardrobe that allowed for more freedom of movement. As it was, her attire kept her well within August’s reach.

“Are you really so concerned about my welfare?” She asked him after a few minutes of walking. They were now in the square where the picnic was still going on. She bit her lip when she spied Elliot amongst the crowd, a group of women surrounded him and he had a smile on his face. At least he was enjoying the event despite how it had gone for them.

“Your welfare is of the utmost importance to me,” August said without pause. The sincerity she heard in his voice struck her to her core. She looked up at him and saw that he was looking out at the horizon, his gaze sweeping to and fro as if he were scanning the distance for a threat.

“No one is going to attack us,” she told him, unable to stop the words before they spilled forth.

He looked at her then. “I-well,” August cleared his throat, and she felt him flatten his palm until the entirety of his hand was heavy against her back. “I don’t think you understand how I feel right now.”

“Then explain it to me.”

He looked away, eyes moving back out towards the now thinning crowd. They were approaching the lane that led to her home, and it was significantly quieter here. It wasn’t lost on Seylah how quickly things could change given enough time, why it had been only an hour or two at most since she had come this way, but with Elliot at her side, and now … now, she was with August.

The man her heart had whispered to her on this very lane that she wanted, and somehow inexplicably he had confessed himself to her, made his intentions known, asked for a chance at more with her.

For a future with her.

She blinked and shook her head. Life was peculiar, so much so that Seylah allowed herself a moment of peace. If she kept turning and twisting around the scene in the sheriff’s office, she would be a wreck before they arrived home.

“Did you mean what you said?” She asked when August remained silent. His eyes moved back to her at her question.

“With all my heart,” he replied, and this time where was a tremble in his voice that Seylah had never heard before. Her August was sure of himself, never

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