Home For The Holidays - Jordan Silver Page 0,32

dragged my still swollen cock from her tight depths. A gush of blood followed me out of her, and if I didn’t see her chest rising and falling with each breath she took, I would’ve sworn I’d killed her.

She slept through the minor inspection of me spreading her pussy lips, which were still gaping open from my width with my fingers so I could see if I’d torn her in some way, but from what I could see, the blood was just from the tearing of her hymen.

Still, I was tempted to call in someone to look her over, but the only personal doctors I have on-call are all male. Fuck if I’m going to have one of those fucks looking at my woman. Just the thought alone made me see red, and I gave a slight thought as to when exactly it was that I started caring about a doctor’s gender. Whatever!

I got up off the bed, not really wanting to leave her but knowing that a nice hot bath would help ease the sting between her thighs. I didn’t stay too long in the bathroom after turning on the faucet and finding some medicated Epsom salts to add to the water. If she complained about pain beyond the norm later, I’d have to get a referral to have her looked at.

She was still out when I went back to her and lifted her in my arms. She felt so light and precious and everything that was scaring the living shit out of me. It’s one thing to feel myself falling for her. But this shit is not the clinically detached emotion I was expecting. I thought being in love meant finding someone you didn’t mind spending time with, sharing what I have with them, and maybe someday having a kid or two to pass on our genes to.

I didn’t expect to feel like if I let her out of my sight after today, I’d go mad. I didn’t expect to feel like she was now a part of me, a very integral part, the one I can no longer live without. I’m glad she was still out when I stepped into the steaming water with her in my arms and sat with her held tenderly against my chest because it gave me time to think.

I feel blindsided like this love shit should’ve come with some kind of warning, at least. Why is it that the most important things in life come without a manual? Like the first time you take a kid home, I remember mom always saying they don’t come with instructions, and you pretty much just wing it. How can that be?

And now this, her; what am I supposed to do with these feelings she’s awakened in me? I looked down at her face as she slept against my chest in the warm water, and my heart lurched and rolled in my chest, at least that’s what it felt like. It was the same face I’d seen when she walked through the door a few hours ago. So why now does it seem so much more precious to me?

Why do I have all of these thoughts and feelings that have come seemingly out of nowhere? Why does the very thought of being separated from her leave me with dread when only the day before I’d put her in the back of my car and sent her off with my driver and the security detail I have following her behind them without a second thought?

I pulled her in closer as if that was going to keep her with me. I can’t fucking do it. No way am I sending her back to the dorms, out of my sight. I tried to calm myself down, to think rationally, but it wasn’t working, so I decided to give it some time. Maybe it was the newness of this whole thing that was getting to me. Maybe with time, it will ease, and I can go back to thinking like something more than the cave-dwelling ape I’d become in the last half an hour.

Knowing her, she’ll give me shit and refuse to fall in line anyway. And for some reason, that thought, instead of making me see reason, only upped the crazy another notch. Now I’m doubly sure that I’m not about to let her out of my sight. As a thinking meticulous being, someone who’d made his first billion through patience and the ability to read people and situations,

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