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everyone has the right to do as they please. But at that moment, as I felt the warmth of her virgin blood on the tip of my cock, some primal force rose up inside me, and I knew in that moment that for the rest of her life and mine, she would belong to me.

“You’re mine!” I didn’t mean to choke her, don’t know why my hand even moved to go around her throat as if to prove a point, but in the end, I was glad for it. Her eyes rolled back in her head as I added pressure, squeezing until she fought for air. Her pussy clenched and released spasmodically as if trying to draw my cock into action, but he didn’t need any prompting.

From the moment her cunt twitched, he was in motion. I forgot all about going slow, about taking it easy on her virgin cunt and just let loose and let her have it. She took it! Eight then ten, then eleven inches, and I watched transfixed as my cock disappeared between her thighs and deep inside her. Although I knew and had come to accept that she was the one, I still found it hard to believe that this little bit of a thing could take me when so many others couldn’t.

I even felt something inside of her shift to take more of me and knew at that moment that no one else would ever be able to satisfy her. “You were made for me, weren’t you?” There was a bit of awe in my tone because I was still caught up in the beauty of it all. I’d finally found my one and only.


“Fuck let go!” I missed a step tonight, protection. I doubt she’s on birth control since she’s not sexually active, and the case of condoms I’d bought a few days ago is in my nightstand doing me absolutely no good. I’d brought her to climax twice and figured that was enough for her first time. If I stay in her any longer, she will walk crooked for a week; I have no doubt.

I thought for sure that since I’m accustomed to going much longer when I fuck that, I’d have time enough to pull out, but she’s making a mockery of my pullout game. The combination of her tight pussy sucking the life from my cock and the emotions running riot in my heart for her has brought me to the edge, and it’s go time.

But she’s refusing to let me out of her tight as fuck pussy. “Samantha, let go!” I fucked up and spanked her on the side of her ass when she didn’t listen, but all that did was make her cream and squeeze her pussy walls harder around my cock while looking up at me through eyes that burned with lust and heat.

“Shit, Samantha, unless you want to swell with child before you graduate, let go!” Oh, for fuck sake. She wrapped her legs tighter around my hips and fucked herself harder onto my cock as her pussy became a suction device as if spurred on by my words. Her hips moved almost too fast for me to keep up, and then she lifted them off the bed, taking me with her, threw her head back, and screamed. I started shooting off inside her right at the moment she passed out.

I was in danger of following her into darkness myself. I’ve never cum so hard in my life, and the shit was never-ending. That place deep inside her that had opened up to accept my length breathed around my cock in subtle motions, milking every last drop of cum spit from my balls. I dropped like a lodestone having the presence of mind at the very last second to twist so that I didn’t crush her beneath my weight.

I fought hard to catch my breath and bring myself down, and as my mind settled, the implications of what I’d just done hit me hard. I felt a mixture of excitement and fear that confused the hell out of me. I’ve never, and I mean not once, cum inside an unprotected woman. I’ve always suited up with the sheepskin with all of my past partners, whether they were on some form of birth control or not.

“Oh damn Samantha, baby, what did you do?” I brushed the hair back gently from her face so as not to wake her and gritted my teeth against the pain as I

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