Home For The Holidays - Jordan Silver Page 0,12

know it’s against the law to hack into people’s shit, right. I can have the Feds here in no time.”

“No, you won’t because then you’d have to explain why you cloned that Troy guy’s phone and how you got the information from your brother’s, among other things.” He had the nerve to smirk at me after saying that shit.

“What else did you find?”

“All of it! Your message said, and I quote, ‘I have a proposition that you won’t want to miss. Though I’ll admit, I don’t see what any of this has to do with me. From what I can piece together, following the crumbs you left behind, Tessa broke up your brother’s marriage, and you want some kind of revenge. The truth is, the thing that caught my interest is how you found me and the way your mind worked around to using me to get back at her.”

“You like vindictive bitches do you.”

“Was I meant to hear that or no?” Since I was already here and he already knew the deal, there was no point in being a shrinking violet. “So, are you in or not?” I’m sure the answer is no, but I have so save face here. I felt exposed sitting across from him, knowing that he’d had his sticky fingers in my stuff.

“Sure, but with a few addendums.”

“What?” My ears were ringing, and there was a faint buzzing in the air as I waited for his response. The only thing going through my mind was that he’d said yes, which meant we were going to definitely be seeing each other again. I’m going to have to make some changes to the plan, though.

My original thought was to use him, pay him to pretend to be my boyfriend to make Tessa jealous since he was the one that got away. I figured bringing home with me; I might get her to show her hand somehow since her narcissistic ass would have a whole bovine family if she saw the two of us together. I had wet dreams just imagining her reaction to seeing me with the guy who’d had the good sense to leave her ass.

I still don’t know the whole story there, but the timeline that I was able to piece together seems to show that he’d left her only months before he became a household name. Had he been anyone else, my idea might’ve worked, but that’s when I thought he was just some hot guy that had left her without a second thought.

After learning his true identity, I was sure that that angle wouldn’t work; I mean, what’s in it for him? The man can buy me a thousand times over and still have enough left to afford about ten third world countries. But hey, he wasn’t booting me from his office and has even said that he’d do it. I just need to hear these addendums of his.

“Well? What is it that you want to add?” He’s been studying me without uttering a word for a good two minutes. Now he sat back in his chair and rubbed his finger along his lip while looking at me without even trying to pretend that he wasn’t. I started feeling itchy under that stare, and my heartbeat thundered in my ears.

“Why are you touching yourself, beauty?”

“What?” I looked down at my hand that his eyes had dropped to and saw that I was indeed rubbing my chest. I was trying to ease the erratic pace of my heart, but to him, it must look like I was playing with my tit. “My heart feels weird. I think your thermostat is broken; it’s hotter than the ten levels of hell in here.”

“I thought there were only seven?”

“Dante is a punk; trust me, there’s more.” I thought I told him not to do that smiling shit?

“Sorry!” Oh crap, I did it again.

“Listen, tell me what it is that you have to say so I can decide if it works for me or not.”

“What’s your rush? You don’t have class today.”

“What the…?”

“As I was saying, I’ll play your little game with you, but since I don’t need your money, I’ll take something else instead.”

“And what might that be?”

“You, I want to fuck you once. If you like it, we’ll let it run its course; if you don’t, we’ll call it a one-off.” My mouth dropped open again, and my face heated along with the rest of my body. “What in the hell geek of the month club

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