Home For The Holidays - Jordan Silver Page 0,13

bullshit is this? And yes, you were meant to hear that.” I started to get to my feet, but he stopped me without even leaving his seat.

“Was it my approach? Am I being too straightforward? I thought someone like you would appreciate my honesty. You don’t strike me as the type to beat around the bush, and you’re definitely not one for artifice. Besides, I’ve never fucked a virgin before; you’d be my first.”

“Please stop saying that word, you fraud. How did you get in?”

“Get in where?” He was back to looking at me like I was slow.

“Where did you learn to talk like that?” And where did you get such confidence? I said the first part out loud and kept the rest to myself, or at least I thought I had until he answered.

“I’d think a beautiful nerd like you would understand, aren’t people surprised by you, as well? You’re not exactly the poster child for nerdom. You speak your mind freely and always have. That could have something with your dad’s wealth, but I don’t think so. As to my confidence, that came with time.”

“Hmm, I’ll have to think about your proposal.” Dammit, what kind of nerd is he anyway? Who just asks someone to go to bed with them like that? I can’t do it, surely. The fact that I feel a strong attraction to the man doesn’t… “Hey, how do you know that I’m a virgin?”


She’s too damn cute and adorable and nothing at all like what I expected. Her missive had intrigued me, and as a man who’s bombarded on a daily basis with women trying to catch my attention, that’s not an easy feat. Something about the way she’d worded her bold statement of fact had tickled something inside of me.

Even with all that, I wasn’t expecting much. Not until I did a search on her and found it lacking. In this day and age when Internet discourse was taking over every aspect of people’s lives, especially people in her age group, which happens to be six years younger than mine, it came as a shock to see that she was more like me in that she hardly had any real imprint.

The thing is, I know why I have very little presence on the highway to hell, but what’s her excuse? That was the second thing to catch my notice and up the intrigue. Then the more I dug, the more drawn in I became until I found myself doing something I’d never done before, not even with a new hire.

I strongly believe in a person’s right to privacy, but she wanted something from me, didn’t she? It was she who came to me, not the other way around. It was a poor justification for my actions, but hey, it worked for me. Not to mention the fact that I almost couldn’t help myself at this point, and the need to know kept me up at night.

It wasn’t hard to piece things together once I got into her computer, where she pretty much kept everything in a personal log. I didn’t go snooping where I didn’t belong; I just looked into anything that mentioned me and anything from the last month or so when it seems her interest in me came about.

After reading her inner musings, her innocent naivety was something else that jumped out at me. Within days I found myself fighting the urge to see what she looked like and when I lost that fight, I set my on-staff team on her trail. First, she hardly ever left her dorm, other than to go to class, and when she did, she was always wearing a damn hoodie no matter the temperature outside.

I did learn a lot from her clothes, though, because she’s a walking billboard. Each hoodie had some kind of pointed message that varied from one thing to the next to the point that I wasn’t sure what the hell she stood for. One day it was the right for people to have an opinion or the first amendment, and the next, she was telling someone to shut the fuck up and yeet. I had to look that one up myself.

I was having a blast and found myself eagerly looking forward to the reports on her each day for that week that I’d made her wait to hear back from me. Anyone who wanted to take down the woman their brother was cheating with had to have a story, either that

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