Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,62

he’s handy around the house.”

“You look terrific yourself. Ken will be lucky to have you on his arm.”

“His arm will be on the red carpet but I’ll be all over him when it’s done later tonight. There’s just something about a guy in a tux and when that guy is my man, watch out!”

Cassie saw something interesting flash in Melanie’s face. They had spent hours together the past two days and she noticed the subtle change in her. “There’s more to the story, isn’t there?”

Melanie beamed. “We’ve decided it’s time to have a baby. Tonight’s when we start trying.”

Cassie hugged her new friend. “That’s wonderful. You’ll be an outstanding mom. Hey, you’ve already adopted a waif like me.” Cassie twirled in a circle. “Look at the miracle you’ve worked.”

Ken entered the room. “Wow! You’ll be the loveliest ladies there tonight.” He kissed Melanie’s cheek. “Limo’s here if you two are ready.”

Although she had booked them for clients in the past, Cassie had never ridden in a limousine before. She couldn’t believe how huge the plush interior was as she slid inside.

As the Camerons climbed in after her, Cassie quipped, “I’m surprised there’s no hot tub in here. It seems to have everything else.”

Ken flashed a devilish smile. “Some models do have one.”

Cassie couldn’t tell if he was teasing her or not as they pulled out.

“How about a toast?” Ken cradled a bottle of Dom Perignon and popped its cork, pouring the champagne into glasses Melanie retrieved from a shelf.

Cassie couldn’t believe a girl from Waco, Texas was drinking something that cost hundreds of dollars a glass. Even though her life seemed in ruins, tonight she would be Cinderella—minus her Prince Charming, though. She didn’t admit to herself who she wished that prince could be.

She finished the champagne and handed the glass back to Ken, who had The Rolling Stones blaring through the speakers, the beat cranked so loudly that her insides shook. Cassie thought Ken looked every inch a star tonight and believed it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Despite the press reports of most actors’ egos running wild, she was pleasantly surprised how down to earth both Rhett and Ken were. She hoped this movie would push Ken’s career in high gear. Not that Crime Time wasn’t already a top five show in the ratings each week but Cassie suspected Ken had a good range, based on his antics at the poker table. He was a terrific storyteller and had a great sense of timing. She guessed he would make the jump from small to silver screen with ease.

They pulled up to Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Suddenly, the door swung open and Cassie heard the squeal of fans that lined the runway. Ken got out and waved and the roar quadrupled.

He lifted Melanie out with ease and held a hand for Cassie to take. Her heart thumping wildly, she grasped it and instantly found herself transported into a world of bright lights and sound. Photographers shouted from every direction as cameras flashed constantly.

Two bodyguards lurked in the background as Cassie trailed the golden couple down the red carpet. She hovered discreetly as she enjoyed watching Ken and Melanie bask in the glow of screaming fans and flashing cameras.

E! News pulled them aside for a quick interview, as did Access Hollywood. Finally, they made their way down the long stretch of carpet. Though it shocked her how worn the carpet was, it didn’t dim her pleasure in the slightest.

Ken timed it so everyone was already seated inside the theater as they entered. The movie was about to begin. He motioned for Melanie to enter the last row first, and he followed her.

He grinned at Cassie. “Gotta separate you two women or else you’ll gab through the entire film.”

Cassie seated herself on Ken’s left as his agent turned around from the row in front of them and wished Ken good luck. With an empty seat next to her, Cassie put her purse in it. The borrowed clutch was too small and wouldn’t stay, so she cradled it in her lap instead.

The house lights dimmed as the movie began. She settled back in her seat, glancing over to see Ken take Melanie’s hand as the opening credits rolled. A door opened behind them, the sliver of light slightly distracting her. No one came down the aisle, so Cassie assumed it was the theater’s manager surveying the audience.

Ten minutes into the film, someone slipped into the open seat next to her. Cassie was

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