Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,61

hoping he’d made the right decision to venture out where the press would be swarming like crocodiles on fresh meat. He figured if things got really bad he’d simply retreat home and lick his wounds.

And wonder where Cassie was.


Cassie sat without moving, stunned by Randi’s interview comments. Talk about an issue snowballing. She accused Rhett of things the public would now consider as gospel. Rhett would be known as a manipulative, conniving egomaniac, which was as far from the truth as possible.

She was powerless to change that perception. She had no status in the situation. If she tried to refute Randi’s allegations, the press would simply point to her as the other woman who wrecked a Hollywood fairy tale.

It hurt her—but she hurt more for Rhett and his damaged reputation. He’d still sell tickets but maybe not as many as before. His charity work would be seen as a farce, a way to suck up to the public in order to get back in their good graces. That angered her. She knew there was no way Rhett would reveal the truth about Randi. He was too much of a gentleman. Cassie had no leverage to force Randi to see her face-to-face and make the model take back all the untrue allegations.

She heard a knock and lifted a purring TJ off her lap, plopping him down in the chair she vacated. Cassie opened the door and Melanie breezed in, setting a garment bag across the back of the sofa.

“You hanging in there?”

“I just watched Randi torpedo Rhett in an interview that will definitely set tongues wagging.”

“Who listens to an ex-Playmate centerfold? She’s all looks and no substance. This’ll blow over, Cassie. Give it time.”

“She decimated him, Melanie.”

“So? Her fifteen minutes of fame will end soon. Knowing Randi, she’ll probably milk it for thirty. This is Hollywood, though. Old news fades fast. Rhett’s the one with staying power. It’ll be forgotten with his next good role.”

Cassie wished she and Breck could be the two who provided that for him but she pushed the thought aside as impossible.

Melanie reached over and unzipped the bag. She lifted out the black dress Cassie had tried on for Ken’s premiere.

“What’s this?”

“The hot little number you’re wearing to Ken’s movie debut tonight. Getting out will lift your spirits, Cassie.”

“I can’t go, Melanie. Why should I?”

“Why not? You’ve been holed up with TJ for a couple of days now. Don’t let Randi make you hide from the world.”

Cassie managed a weak laugh. “I think a movie premiere is a little too high profile. I should probably go for something more low-key to start. Maybe driving through Starbucks? If I really feel confident, I can always try to walk into Target.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. You’ve got to leap back into the thick of things. We’ll get your hair and makeup done. No one will even connect you with Ponytail Girl.”

Cassie shook her head. “Here I was liking my new nickname. The press can be so original.”

Melanie took her hand. “Come on, Cassie. Go as my friend. Our friend. Besides, you owe it to me. I have given you a place to stay.”

“You’re trying to guilt me into going?”

Melanie grinned. “I’m not above it. Please? Let’s go have fun. We’ll look sexy. You’ll love Ken’s movie. It’s really fast-paced and has some fun little twists near the end. I’ve even booked a private room at Pomodoro after for a few friends to eat and talk.”

Cassie hesitated. She looked longingly at the dress.

Melanie smiled widely as she returned the dress inside the bag. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist.” She linked her arm through Cassie’s and grabbed the outfit. “My hairdresser and makeup artist are waiting. This is going to be a perfect night, Cassie Carroll. You wait and see.”


Cassie stared into the mirror. “I hardly recognize myself.”

Melanie laughed. “I guarantee it’s you. Funny what a little makeup can do when it’s applied by a professional.”

She reluctantly dragged her eyes from her image. “It’s only a little more than I normally wear.”

Melanie nodded her approval. “I love the smoky eyes on you, Cassie. And that dress. I knew from the moment you put it on at the boutique that it was the one for you. You look amazing.”

She flushed. “Thank you for doing this. I will pay you for it, Melanie.”

Her friend waved a hand. “No, don’t bother. It was gratis.” She grinned. “It does pay to be married to a guy with a strong Q rating. Plus,

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