Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,29

love you, Jo. But you thrive on gossip. You can’t talk to anyone about Rhett. Not just reporters from the tabloids or the paparazzi. I mean anyone. No dropping Rhett’s name in conversation or where we live. No hints regarding anything about him. What he eats. What he wears. Who comes to visit him.”

“So, I pretend I don’t even know him?” Jolene asked.

“Yes. Don’t ever refer to him in any situation. No impressing others—especially strange men—about your slight connection with him.” Cassie paused. “And about men.”

“My track record is abysmal with men,” Jolene acknowledged. “You don’t need to rub it in.”

“You can’t bring any of them back to Rhett’s estate, Jo.”

Jolene’s jaw dropped in disbelief. “Are you serious?”

“This is a dealbreaker, Jo. You have a history of bringing guys back to our apartment. Half the time you don’t even remember their names. That’s got to stop.”

Jolene crossed her arms. “I am not giving up my sex life for Rhett Corrigan. Especially if I can’t sleep with him myself.”

Cassie sighed. “I’m not asking you to become a nun. If you want to hook up with someone, that’s your business. Just take it back to his place. Not Rhett’s.”

Jolene pouted a moment but Cassie stood firm, sternly glaring at her.

Jo caved. “Oh, all right. All sexual escapades will take place away from our new place. Far be it that I sully Rhett Corrigan’s reputation by bringing home strays.”

“Thank you.” Relief swept through her. She only hoped she’d gotten through to her friend. “Remember that the NDA will be legally binding. If you break it, Rhett won’t hesitate to sue.”

“Oh, that would be priceless. He would get such a huge settlement.”

“I’m just warning you, Jo. We can’t slip up. It would cost me this job and we’d be booted from his property.”

Jo grew thoughtful. “Are you sure about the rent? What he described could go for triple what we pay now. Probably more. It’s a hell of a better zip code than the one we live in now.”

“I’m sure. We’ll need to pay on time. I don’t want to take advantage of Rhett’s hospitality. I won’t endanger my job.”

“How’d this come about? Mr. Hero offering us such a sweet deal?”

Cassie blushed. “Remember I told you that he gave me a car to drive? Well, it was a very expensive Range Rover. Who knows how much something like that even costs?”

“I could tell you, honey, but I don’t think you want to know.” Jolene glanced around. “Someone jacked it, huh? Bet it was Ramon. I heard Sammy talking about how Ramon’s into some bad stuff in the laundry room last week.”

Cassie nodded. “I came out and it was gone. Rhett seemed to think this is not the part of town to live in. Besides, I’ll be working pretty long days for him. He said living on his property would make things easier.”

“Just be sure he keeps it in his pants around you, Cass.”


“I mean it. He’s an incredibly good-looking guy who wields a lot of power in this town. Don’t let him walk all over you. Don’t let him take advantage of you.”

“He’s not that kind of guy, Jo.”

Jolene stared at her. “Honey, he’s male. They’re all that kind of guy in the end.”


Cassie let a grumpy TJ out of his carrier. The cat stepped gingerly around his new surroundings, throwing in a few yowls for good measure. He climbed on the sofa back, walking its length before jumping down to investigate what would be Cassie’s bedroom. She hoped he would find his new litter box, which she already had in place before she let him out to prowl.

She walked into the sunny kitchen and set out bowls of water and TJ’s favorite crunchy food. The cat came running the minute he heard the kernels hit the plastic. He rubbed her legs once for good measure before scarfing down the meal.

Cassie stroked his silky fur. “You better stay in for a while, TJ. Learn this place first, and then we’ll negotiate letting you out. I have no idea how Shep will react to you.”

The phone rang. Cassie wondered who would have this number since the place had been empty for some time.


“Hey, General. I hear you’re settling in at the fort.”

“Hi, Breck. Yes, I just brought my cat over. Jolene is with the movers now. I think we’ll be moved in record time.”

“Rhett said you guys are going to be busy this afternoon so I ordered a couple of pizzas. They should be

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