Hollywood Heartbreaker - Alexa Aston Page 0,28

her friend really keep to herself all that she saw at the Corrigan estate? Rhett’s generosity could solve so many problems. She was worn out pinching pennies and fighting to keep her head above water.

Cassie stuck out a hand and Rhett shook it. “You’ve got a deal, Corrigan.” She did a little jig. “I can’t wait to tell Jolene.”

“Tell me what?”

She turned and saw Jolene standing right beside her.

“Holy fuck! It’s him! Mr. Superstar!”

Cassie took her roommate’s arm. “Behave,” she hissed, under her breath. She turned back to Rhett. “Rhett, I’d like you to meet Jolene Farrell.”

Rhett’s wry smile caused Cassie to stifle a laugh.

“Pleased to meet you, Jolene. Cassie’s got a proposition for you.”

Jolene looked back to Cassie and then to Rhett again. “Cut the crap. What gives? You two are hiding something.”

Cassie’s fingers dug into Jolene’s arm, warning her. “Jo, we’re moving into Rhett’s gatehouse.”

“No shit!”

She flashed her friend a warning look. Jolene had the decency to look slightly apologetic. “Thank you, Mr. Corrigan. I don’t know how much more of Roach Motel we could’ve stood. That’s a terrific deal you’re offering.” She eyed him a moment. “What’s the rent?”

Cassie knew Rhett would say they could stay for free. He’d already revealed a generous nature but she didn’t want to take advantage of him. She still had some pride and refused to become a charity case. She caught his eyes before he answered.

“What are you paying now?” Rhett asked.

Jolene told him, shaving off twenty dollars. Cassie glared at her but Jolene looked as innocent as Snow White.

“I’m sure my accountant will agree to that,” Rhett told them. “Especially since no one’s been using the gatehouse for a while.”

Cassie spoke up, wanting to be sure Jolene understood what living on Rhett’s estate would entail.

“Jo, you absolutely can’t blab about what you see. We’ll have to sign a non-disclosure agreement.”

“That’s not necessary,” Rhett said.

She shook her head. “No, I’m overruling you on this matter, Corrigan. We both will sign the NDA. I’ll put it on my list and speak to your attorney about it.” Turning back to her friend, she said, “We need to respect Rhett’s privacy.”

Jolene nodded confidently. “Got it. No cozying up to the tabloids. Keep any and everything I see confidential. Don’t pump guests for opportunities. Be invisible.”

Cassie nodded encouragingly. “And?”

Jolene thought a moment. “Watch my pottymouth. Save it for on stage.”

Cassie beamed as she Rhett. “I think we have everything under control at this end. When can we move in?”

“You work out the details. Use the card and get some movers in. Today, if you can. The sooner you get settled, the better.” He thought a moment. “Oh, the place is furnished. The kitchen’s got dishes and pots and pans. Appliances, too. TV with cable and DVR. Wireless Internet. You won’t need much, besides your clothes. Will that be a problem?”

Jolene snorted. “If you saw how little we have, Mr. Corrigan, you—”

“Call me Rhett.” He glanced at Cassie. “I need to get home and try to look and feel human.”

She nodded. “You do look a little uncivilized. Some problem?”

“Yeah. I’ll tell you about it later. Good meeting you, Jolene.”

“You, too, Rhett.” She smiled at him.

Rhett returned to his SUV. He leaned out the window. “I have LoJack. I’ll handle the Rover mess. You arrange the move. Try to get over after that. I have this charity thing I want to talk to you about.”

“Okay,” Cassie happily agreed. She waved as he pulled out from the parking lot.

The minute he was out of sight, Jolene slammed into her, clutching her as a drowning woman might.

“Oh. My. God. We are going to get out of this hellhole. I can’t believe it, Cass.”

Cassie hugged her back. “I told you he’s really nice.”

Jolene’s eyes gleamed. “Really, really, fucking nice.”

“I meant what I said about the NDA, Jo,” she said sternly. “You do know what that is? It’s a legally binding contract.”

“I know what it is,” her friend said, impatience laced in her voice. “ It means we have a confidential relationship that involves sensitive info which we are not at liberty to reveal. Ever.”

“Exactly. What we see. What we hear. What’s discussed. In the short time I’ve known him, what I understand is how private Rhett Corrigan is. This job is an incredible opportunity for me, as well as having housing on his property offered to us at a song. We can’t jeopardize that.”

Jolene sniffed. “You mean that I can’t jeopardize it.”

Cassie hugged her friend. “You know how much I

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