Holiday Home Run - Priscilla Oliveras Page 0,26

Lilí worked with on a regular basis, it made her job as a victim’s advocate even more invaluable.

“I hope to make it out to Oakton for the parranda with Yazmine, Rosa, and everyone else later tonight,” Lilí said. “Maybe Ben can give you a ride if he’s still going, and I’ll meet you there.”

Her cousin had invited Ben to their annual parranda a couple days ago when he’d stopped by the condo to drop off some sponsor information.

After their home-decorating affair at Ben’s place her cousin had moved past the awed-fan phase where he was concerned. Now Lilí treated him like a family friend. Or, her cousin’s dreamy love interest, as the cheeky girl liked to tease when it was just Lilí and Julia lounging on the leather sofa, talking about their day before they turned in for the night.

Julia’s phone buzzed against her cheek. She pulled it away to see a text from David, the assistant manager at the Humboldt Park Youth Center.

About to pull up in front of the building. Where should the kids and I meet you?

Julia quickly tapped out a response: I’ll be waiting by the main doors. Use the valet.

“Ay, I have to go. The kids are about to arrive,” she told Lilí. “Fingers crossed we’ll see you afterward.”

“That’s the plan. Listen, you’ve worked hard for this. I hope you’re happy with . . . well, with everything.”

“Okay.” Julia drew out the word, her cousin’s hesitant tone catching her off guard.

“You better go,” Lilí cautioned. “Cuídate.”

“You take care, too.”

“Hey, wait! Break a leg!” Lilí yelled.

“If you say so,” Julia said around a grin.

Since Lilí’s oldest sister, Yazmine, had been a Broadway dancer and she now worked as a local instructor, none of the three sisters had given her a “good luck” or “buena suerte” cheer today. Yaz and Rosa had sent “break a leg” text messages earlier. They were home with their little ones, preparing food and drinks for the parranda that would start at Rosa’s house around ten p.m.

The last thing Julia heard as she disconnected the call was Lilí’s throaty laughter.

“Everything all right?” Ben asked.

“Yeah, though Lilí’s caught up at work. I’ll need to find a ride out to Oakton afterward.”

“You know I won’t mind giving you a lift, if you’d like.”

Dropping the phone back into her wristlet, Julia glanced up to find Ben leaning toward her, his head inches from hers. Her breath caught in her throat at the flash of desire darkening his eyes.

“I am really excited to meet everyone tonight,” he said. “Thanks for the invite.”

Technically, the invite had come from Lilí. Her cousin had run the idea by Julia first as they’d poured wine and gathered cheese and crackers in the kitchen the night Ben had come by and wound up staying for a visit.

Ben had said yes immediately.

Now Julia gulped, trying to push down her rising jitters.

This was a big step. Introducing him to not only her family here, but their extended Latino community. People who were familia in every sense of the word except by blood.

“A parranda is always a ton of fun. I think you’re going to love it. But first, time to concentrate on making sure tonight is a success.” She glanced at her watch. “Laura should be arriving shortly. She texted a little while ago to say she had to make a quick stop somewhere first.”

Ben’s lips spread in a broad smile, his face lighting up like her baby cousin’s on the morning the Three Kings left their gifts.

“Yes, she did,” he said. Pulling out his cell from his tuxedo jacket inside pocket, he read something on the screen, before sliding the device back into place. “And it looks like Laura will be arriving around the same time as the kids. I know you’ll need to get them settled in the rehearsal room before the Happy Hour begins, but I think you’ll be thrilled to find out why Laura took that detour.”

Excitement radiated off him as he guided her away from the railing, toward the stairs leading to the hall floor.

Intrigued, if slightly wary, Julia fell into step beside him. Tonight was far too big of a night for her to deal with surprises.

At the bottom of the stairs, Ben led her around a group of volunteers who were putting the finishing touches on a tree. She paused to thank them, but after a few minutes he placed his hand on the small of her back, the gentle pressure urging her to wrap up Copyright 2016 - 2024