Holiday Home Run - Priscilla Oliveras Page 0,25

a fancy tux like now or in jeans, boots, and a thick wool jacket with a knit cap tugged over his ears. The cap had helped him remain incognito last Wednesday when they’d spent the evening scavenger hunting for garden gnomes at the Lincoln Park Zoo Festival of Lights.

Under a blanket of clear night sky, surrounded by a winter wonderland, they had sipped mulled wine and admired the lights until the cold soaked into her bones and she’d cried uncle. Her Island blood was still getting used to the frigid Chicago winter.

Ben had dropped her off at Lilí’s place with a gentlemanly kiss on the cheek. The soft brush of his lips on her skin had her toes curling in her boots. Her body had cried out for more, while her head cautioned her to keep things slow.

“How’s your tree?” she asked, referring to the Douglas fir she and Lilí had brought over earlier this week. She and her cousin had descended on Ben’s home with tinsel, ornaments, bows, and a tree fresh off the lot.

“I still can’t believe you tricked me like that. Dropping off a script revision, yeah right.” He tucked a loose curl behind her ear, his tender expression negating the hint of accusation in his voice. “You two were like a whirlwind of holiday hoopla.”

“And you loved it!” Julia gave his chest a teasing push, her hand lingering to give him a gentle caress.

Ben captured her hand under his. “Yes. I did. Thank you.”

She ducked her head, feeling the heat of a blush climbing into her cheeks.

The evening had been wonderful. Ben heating up hot chocolate. Cueing up parranda music on his home sound system. Laughing with Lilí and her as they sang along while decorating the tree together.

It was a night she’d never forget. Capped off by a soul-stirring kiss after Lilí had hurried down the front stairs to her car parked nearby, all in the guise of warming it up while Julia and Ben exchanged good-byes.

The past three weeks had flown by in a mix of rehearsals, last minute planning, and spending time with Ben.

“As much as I don’t mind pulling out this monkey suit for a good cause,” he whispered to her, “I’d much rather the two of us be somewhere a little more private.”

So would she, though she wasn’t quite ready to voice the thought.

Not yet, with so much up in the air in her life.

Laura Taylor had yet to sit down with her to discuss the potential for Julia staying on full-time as her assistant. Although, the owner of the event-planning company they were working with had mentioned to her that there might be a position opening up. If so, Julia hoped her work over the past few months and tonight’s results would serve as a superb testament to her skills and suitability for his company.

If neither option panned out, she might be heading back to Puerto Rico after the New Year. Should that happen, starting a relationship with Ben would be futile.

“I’m not sure that’s the best idea.”

“I know,” he said, gently brushing a knuckle along her jaw. “That’s why I’m not pushing. But the offer stands, when or if you are sure.”

Julia’s heart melted a little more for him.

Ave María purísima, his willingness to give her the space she needed, when he’d made it clear he was more than ready to take their relationship from friends to . . . bueno, to more . . . didn’t make her indecision any easier.

Her cell phone vibrated in the black wristlet wallet hanging from her left arm. Either a reminder alarm she’d set for herself or a call from someone.

Unzipping the pouch, she slid out her phone to see Lilí’s image on the screen. Julia frowned. Her cousin should have been here by now.

“¿Hola, donde estás?” she asked.

“I’m still at the women’s shelter,” Lilí grumbled.

“Oh no! Are you going to make it here?”

Ben’s brows rose in surprise at her alarmed tone.

“Is there something I can help with?” he whispered, while Lilí continued explaining about the client she’d been assisting since late that afternoon.

Julia shook her head at him.

“I’m so sorry I can’t be there for your big night, prima,” Lilí apologized. “But I can’t leave until she and her kids are settled and I know they’re okay.”

“Of course. I understand.” Julia knew her cousin’s commitment to her clients came a close second to both of their commitments to their familia. When kids were involved in domestic violence cases like the ones Copyright 2016 - 2024