The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,95

that? What would someone…?” I shook my head, leaving the thought hanging. I knew the more I thought about it the angrier I’d get, and I’d had enough fuming for one afternoon. To hell with Jocelyn, whoever he was.

“You could always ask him, you know,” Alex suggested.

“Yeah, I think we both know how that would turn out,” I said glancing up at him with an evil grin, “and I promised my Mom I wouldn’t kill him.”

“I didn’t mean right now,” he laughed. “When you’re ready.”

“Pretty sure that will never happen.”

“You don’t give yourself enough credit.”

“You give me way too much credit. We’re not all perfect portraits of cool-headed rationality,” I teased. “Do you ever get mad?”

“Oh, sure,” he said. “There isn’t usually anyone around to see it, but it happens.”

“Well, make sure you find me next time, because I’m interested.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you’ll piss me off sooner or later,” he said with a chuckle.

“I look forward to it,” I laughed. “Then, maybe I’ll get the chance to do something for you, for a change.”

“Ah, Becca,” he sighed, lowering his face so his nose brushed against mine, raising the hairs on my arms. “You have no idea how much you do for me.”

I looked up to find his stormy gaze holding me. “You have beautiful eyes,” I sighed, loving the way his stare warmed my insides.

He froze for a second, before he smiled. “Yes,” he chuckled. “I know.”

“You know?” Not exactly the reaction I was expecting. “Most people would say thank you.”

“I’m sorry,” he amended, still grinning at his private joke. “What I meant was, you’ve told me that before.”

“What?” I asked, completely confused now. “No I haven’t.” Sure, I’d thought about it, but I’d never actually said it. I most certainly would have remembered that.

But he nodded, his smile becoming shy. “Do you remember giving me back my pillow on the plane the morning we landed in Paris?”


“Do you remember what I told you when you thanked me?”

“Yeah, that I had already thanked you in my sleep…” My hands flew to my mouth as I remembered him acting strange that morning, and wondering if I’d said something else… “Oh God, I didn’t…”

He chucked again. “You did.” The gleam in his eyes told me that he was finding my embarrassment endearing, but I was far from amused.

“Was that it?” I demanded, slightly panicked. “Please tell me that was it.”

“That was it, I promise. I slid the pillow under your head, you thanked me, and said,” he paused, then quoted, “‘You have the most amazing eyes. They’re beautiful.’”

“Oh…” I moaned, squeezing my eyes shut and hiding my face against his chest.

“Don’t,” he laughed, leaning back and lifting my face. “You have nothing to be embarrassed about”

“Are you kidding me? I barely knew you, you must have thought I was a psycho!”

He grinned. “Actually,” he said, leaning down until his lips brushed against mine, his scent filling my head, “it made my night.”

He tilted my head up with his thumb and kissed me so tenderly that my embarrassment drained away instantly. I felt my neck flush and my pulse start to race and I realized it suddenly felt way too hot out for November. His lips continued to move slowly – so slowly – just barely touching my own, teasing me until my insides were screaming. After a few more seconds I couldn’t take it any longer; I needed more. I brought my hands up to his neck and grabbed two handfuls of his collar and lifted myself up, moving my lips hungrily against his. With a gruff sigh, Alex grabbed my hips, and pulled me up against him. One of his arms wound its way around me, holding me tight, while the other hand slid up my back and neck, burying itself in my hair. The blood in my veins turned to molten honey as he opened his mouth and–

“Oh… My… God!”

Alex and I both froze, snapping our heads towards the front of the building, where Chloe stood, gaping at us.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God,” she shrieked, like a cat having its tail stepped on, “How could you not tell me?”

“Oh no,” Alex said, still breathing much heavier than usual. “I think we’re in trouble.”

“What do we do?” I giggled as she came stomping toward us, panting a bit myself.

“We run,” Alex said with an evil smile, grabbing my hand and taking off in the other direction. I burst out laughing as we ran over the soggy Copyright 2016 - 2024