The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,94

bit more sarcasm than was really called for. “Can’t one of you just tell me what stuff says?”

“What if we’re not with you?”

“I’ll call.” I pouted, knowing I was going to lose this.

He sighed and leaned his head down so his mouth was next to my ear. “Mo shaol anois tá brí toisc go bhfuil tú i sé, a ghrá mo chroí,” he murmured in a low, throaty voice, sending chills fluttering under my skin.

“Should I even bother asking?” I said, knowing he was probably making a point and wasn’t planning on translating.

“Keep going to class, and you won’t have to.”

I leaned my head back to rest on his shoulder. “Somehow, I’m thinking whatever that was isn’t going to be covered.”

“Don’t go, and you’ll never find out.” I could hear the grin in his tone.

We stood quietly for a minute, when something I’d been wondering about for a long time suddenly came to mind.

“Why don’t you stick up for him?” I asked, a bit out of the blue. “You never do.”


“Jocelyn. I am constantly whining and complaining about him, and you have never once tried to defend him.”

“You want me to defend him?” he asked as though I’d lost my mind.

“No, I’ve just always wondered. I know much you respect him. How much you look up to him. I’ve always known, and I understand. After what he did for you, you have every reason to think he’s great, yet for all the times you’ve had to listen to me badmouth him, you’ve never, I don’t know, come to his aid. I’m always waiting for it, but it never happens.” The way it was turning out, the fact that Jocelyn had been responsible for saving Alex from the mental hospital and bringing him into this world – and by extension, to me – seemed like it might end up being his singular saving grace in my eyes.

“First of all,” he said, spinning me around in his arms to face him, “you have never badmouthed him. You’ve told me things that have happened, and how you personally feel. You don’t run to anyone who will listen and slander him, you’re far too good a person for that. You’ve even allowed Ryland to draw his own conclusions, never influencing or leading him with your own opinions. And yes, I do respect Jocelyn. More than any other man I’ve ever met, but that doesn’t mean he’s perfect. I don’t know what happened with your family all those years ago, and I am in no position to defend him. And I certainly won’t defend his not wanting us together, but I’m not too concerned about that. We’ll have Min talk to him, and it will all work out, I’m sure.”

“If you say so,” I sighed.

“I do,” he said giving me a peck on the nose. “Not to change the subject,” he continued a bit reluctantly, “but can I ask you something?”


“Earlier, when you said ‘Professor Ingle’… you did mean Jocelyn, yes?”

“Of course, who else?” He didn’t answer, but something in his eyes made me wary. “Why do you ask?”

“Well…” He was obviously uncomfortable. “I wasn’t sure, because Jocelyn’s name – as far as I have ever known – is Clavish.”

“What? No… no, that’s not right. His name is Ingle… we are all Ingle.”

He shrugged with a wince. “I assumed your mother had taken her maiden name or something like that.”

“So,” I backed away from him, pressing my fingers to my temples, “he actually changed his name? Why the hell would he do that?” When Alex’s lip twitched, I could see there was something else. “What? What is it? Tell me!” I knew I shouldn’t be yelling at him, but I couldn’t help it.

“It’s nothing,” he said, raising his hands in an effort to calm me. “It’s just that I don’t think he changed his name. I’ve seen things with his name on them. Old things – much older than you. And his name was always Clavish.”

I stared at him, completely dumbfounded for the first time in my life. “He took a fake name?” I breathed, embarrassed by how hurt I was. “He married my mother with a fake name?”

Alex pulled me in against him, rubbing my back. “I don’t know,” he said, kissing my forehead. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Yes, you should have.” I wrapped my arms around his waist, resting my head on his chest. “I didn’t mean to yell, it’s not your fault. I just can’t believe… why would he do Copyright 2016 - 2024