The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,21

side of it that ran off in opposite directions, probably encompassing the entire campus. Everything, from the stone battlements of the buildings to the beautiful landscaping, had a strange look of nobility and grace to it. It was as if the campus itself was aware of some proud, ancient secret that we mere mortals were not privy to. Even the gray evening sky hung above us like a misty canopy, casting a shadow over the grounds that was haunting yet lovely at the same time.

“What do you think?” Alex asked, as I was taking it all in.

“It’s beautiful.”

As I turned back to examine the main building we had parked in front of, something yellow caught my eye. A young woman with bright blond hair was bounding down the large front steps with a huge smile on her face.

“You’re here, you’re here, you’re here!” she squealed, as she came barreling towards us.

“That’s Chloe,” Alex informed me, “the one I had to tell about you. She is one of our graduates. She’s been… ooff!” He was cut off as Chloe slammed into him, throwing her arms around his waist in the process. Why I suddenly had the urge to throw her off of him, I had no idea.

OK, maybe I had some idea…

She released Alex and began chattering a mile a minute, in a thick Irish accent, “I’m so glad you’re back! I’ve been waiting all day! Is this her? It has to be her! Hi.” She skipped over to me and grabbed both my hands. “I’m Chloe Quinn, it’s so nice to meet you!”

“Chloe,” Alex said rolling his eyes, embarrassed, “take a breath.”

“Sorry,” she mouthed, sliding away from me, and trying to look casual.

She was a good six inches shorter than me, and had a fuller figure while not being overly large, with more freckles spread over her nose and cheeks than I’d ever seen on any one person. In any event, she seemed sweet as could be and totally harmless. Though why she was so excited to see me, I couldn’t figure.

“No, it’s fine,” I assured them both with a laugh. “It’s nice to meet you too, Chloe. I’m Becca.” I offered her my hand and she took it with both of hers, glowing with delight like a kid at Christmas.

“All right, let’s go,” came Taron’s gruff bark from the other side of the van. The bags had been moved from the van to a car that Ryland was already sat in.

“Where are we going?”

“To take Ryland to his dorm so he can get some sleep. After that, we’ll go to the hall where you’ll be staying.”

“He won’t be with us?”

“No, students don’t live in Lorcan, not even the Holder kids. It’s only for the professors who are Holders, me and Chloe. Ryland will be housed with kids his own age.”

“Oh, sure”, I said, with what I hoped was a nonchalant smile. No need to let the world know I was having a minor case of separation anxiety.

With a smile, Alex turned toward the car, clearly expecting me to follow. However when I looked over at the waiting vehicle, my stomach turned.

“Um Alex,” I discreetly touched his arm as he walked by, “is there, umm… any chance I could walk?” I ask, somewhat sheepishly.

He noticed me eyeing the car and smiled. “Carsick?”

I tried to smile, but I’m pretty sure it looked more like a wince.

“I thought you looked a bit green,” he chuckled.

“I’m fine now, as long as I don’t have to get in another–”

“I’ll walk with her!” Chloe interjected, hopping to my side and hugging my arm.

“Is that OK?” Alex asked, making it clear that I could say no. I considered it for a minute, thinking that if I did say no, Alex would be the one to walk with me, but then I realized that, one, that was pathetic, and, two, that’d leave only Taron to take Ryland to his room, and I couldn’t do that to Ry.

“Sure, that would be great,” I agreed. “Just give me one sec,” I said to Chloe, patting her arm. Stepping over to the car I avoided Taron’s glare and called through the window, “Ry, come here.” He lumbered out of the car, his initial awe with the school having been replaced by jetlag. “Listen buddy, Alex is going to take you to your room so you can get some sleep.”

“I’ll give you the number to Becca’s room, so you can call her if you need anything, OK?” Alex said, having come Copyright 2016 - 2024