The Holders - By Julianna Scott Page 0,20

we here, now?” the man said, stooping down to eye level with Ryland. “Master Ingle, is it? Pleasure to meet you, sir.” He smiled warmly and extended his hand, which Ryland hesitantly shook.

Feeling a bit better – and not wanting to seem like the carsick wussy – I climbed out of the van and took a deep breath of the cool October air. The first thing I noticed however was that while the temperature was close to what it had been in Pittsburgh, the air here smelled different. Fall at home had always smelled like drying leaves and burnt wood, making me think of football and pumpkins and apple pie. But this air was different. It was damp, though not unpleasant, and smelled like sea foam, rain clouds, and musk. The whole atmosphere filled me up, from my hair to my toes, and sparked something deep in my chest that I couldn’t quite put a name to.

“Ah, we have a second?” the stranger asked, pulling me out of my trance. I looked over to greet him, but hesitated when I saw the way he was gawking at me. “Lord have mercy…” he said under his breath. “Alex, is this…?”

Alex stepped forward and placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. “Um, yes. Mr Anderson, this is Ryland and Rebecca Ingle.” He motioned to us each in turn. “Becca, Ryland, this is Mr Christopher Anderson, one of the teachers here at St Brigid’s.”

“Pleasure to meet you, lass, a pleasure indeed. I dare say I think I’d have known her anywhere,” Mr Anderson said with a wink, offering me his hand. “She’s the very image of her father.”

Knowing that he meant that as a compliment, I forced myself to smile – though I couldn’t quite manage a thank you – and shook his outstretched hand.

“Why didn’t you say she would be joining us as well?” Mr Anderson asked Alex.

“Sorry,” Alex said, glancing at me. “I didn’t have a chance. Actually, can I speak with you a moment?” Alex led Mr Anderson off to the side, and I smiled slightly, relief calming my nerves. Alex kept his word.

As the two of them talked out of earshot, Ryland pulled on my sleeve. “Can I look around?”

“Yes, but stay where I can see you.”

As he went running to the other side of the van, Mr Anderson and Alex finished their conversation and parted, Mr Anderson joining Taron to assist with the luggage, while Alex came over to stand beside me.

“I asked Anderson not to say anything,” he said quietly. He didn’t explain, but I knew what he meant.

“Thanks. He doesn’t mind?”

“No, not at all. I just told him you didn’t want him to know until you had a chance to talk to him yourself. Sorry, I know that isn’t the plan, but I was worried anything else would seem odd or raise questions. But he said he understands, and promised to keep quiet. He’s a good man, you don’t need to worry.”

“Thank you,” I said again, truly grateful that he was willing to do this for me.

“No problem,” he said. “Though I should warn you, there is one person that I had to tell so that you would have a room ready for you while you’re here. I gave her the same explanation that I gave Anderson, so there won’t be an issue, I promise.”

“It’s fine, don’t worry,” I assured him with a smile, hating that he actually looked guilty. “I understand.”

“And sorry,” he added, giving me a sympathetic smile, “about what he said.”

“You don’t have to apologize, its fine.” I shrugged. “He meant well.”

“He did, but just to warn you, you’ll probably get that quite a bit at first. You do… well, you do look a lot like him.”

“Really?” I asked, a bit taken aback. “That’s weird, I didn’t used to.” But then, I guess a lot can change in ten years.

“But anyway,” he said in less hushed tone, “this is it.”

As he gestured I took my first real look at our surroundings. We had pulled up in front of a large gray stone building that looked to be as ancient as the ground it was built on, while still being in remarkable condition. There were several other similar looking buildings scattered nearby, all with the same stately elegance. I turned to look down the road we had arrived on, and saw a large gate that appeared to be wrought iron, about a quarter mile back. It was connected to a high wall on either Copyright 2016 - 2024