His Apprehensive Mate - Brea Alepou Page 0,56

least ten wolves guarding it. Three in human form and the rest already shifted. He was downwind, so they couldn’t smell him yet.

Kenny looked around for any way to sneak into the shed, but there was only one door that he could see. He couldn’t check out the other side without being spotted.

“Argon, Kale, and Joe. We need your help. Fucking Blaze Pack didn’t get the message and decided to help the fucking cats.”

Three wolves followed the man who looked a lot like Morgan, hair cut in a buzz cut.

“You three shift. They’ll be coming after those runts in there.”

So Ava was in there as well. Kenny still had seven wolves to face. As much as he believed in his strength, he wasn’t insane.

A roar pierced the air. Rhy came barreling through, and three wolves left their post to go attack Rhy. Kenny spotted Cali from the Huning Pack right behind Rhy and knew she’d back him up. Kenny took his opportunity. While the wolves guarding the shed were distracted, he attacked. He killed the first one with ease, then was already moving out of the way of the other three. He jumped up and kicked off the wall of the shed and tackled another wolf down. Another bit down on his tail, and Kenny hissed in anger. Before he could deal with the tail biter, he clawed the wolf he was on top of, unfortunately not enough to kill him, but Kenny doubted he’d be getting up anytime soon.

He turned on the wolf. The pain shot up through his tail, but Kenny still attacked the wolf, forcing him to let his tail go. Teeth sunk into his shoulder and tore through flesh and fur. Kenny didn’t let it faze him as he took down the wolf from behind so that he was able to bite down on the wolf’s neck. He jerked his head, and blood splattered over his face.

Kenny looked around for the other wolf, but Rhy and Cali had it taken care of, ripping the wolf in half. Kenny limped over to the shed, out of breath, body in pain, but still his heart soared at the thought of seeing Morgan and Ava again. Seeing them safe and alive. Kenny pulled on the pride’s power and forced himself to rapidly heal. It came at a price, one that had the others probably a little light-headed, but there was no way Kenny was going to be able to shift and get his mate and kid to safety nearly dead. He was bleeding out, if the dizzy spells that kept trying to take over were anything to go by.

His wounds closed and the pain receded. Just as he was about to shift, a wolf came barreling into him and tackled him down. Kenny mewled and fought off the wolf. He knew right away it wasn’t just any wolf but the alpha of the Vast Pack. He exuded the power of the alpha, as if he always needed to show it off so that everyone knew where he stood in the hierarchy.

Kenny got out from under him but not unscathed. The wounds he’d just closed were nothing compared to the new ones. Rhy roared; it felt as if it shook the air. The alpha wolf was ready for Rhy. He got out of the way of Rhy, and they clashed with teeth and claws. Blood splashed everywhere. Kenny looked around, but the only thing he could get to for leverage was the shed. Cali joined Rhy, and they battled it out with the alpha wolf. But still, he was handling them with little to no damage to himself. Every wound they seemed to inflict on him would heal instantly. No wonder the other wolves couldn’t heal themselves or do much; their alpha was hogging the power.

The alpha’s tail swished back and forth. It was almost as if he enjoyed fighting them.

Kenny couldn’t just leave them to fight the alpha. He found a trash can to jump on top of and then leapt onto the roof of the shed. He nearly slid off, but he caught himself. He watched as Cali and Rhy fought more on the defensive than offense. He hissed and it took a second, but Rhy saw him. He started leading the alpha wolf a little closer to the shed. Kenny got low, ready to pounce as soon as the opportunity arose.

He stepped back into the perfect spot. Kenny leapt—it was like slow motion, as if the alpha

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