Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,7

strode downstairs.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been so furious, but when he discovered the auburn-haired beauty strung up in the prison, the whole world had darkened. It was cruel to leave anyone in that position, let alone a woman. She was far too skinny for his taste, but there was still life in her gorgeous green eyes. A flicker of hatred and temper. He wanted to tempt her into flaring out and giving him a taste of what she was capable of, but she was still strangely quiet.


They both knew that she was lying. If she’d tell him nothing else, it was doubtful that she’d give him her real name. He wanted the woman to trust him. He’d be gentle with her, give her whatever she needed, until she finally decided to tell him the truth.

And if she was a criminal? What then?

There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that she’d already paid for her crimes and then some under the hands of Seth and Innes. But she didn’t look beaten, so maybe there really was something else going on.

Crowded on the field just outside the keep, the MacKay clan waited. They were all a sight. There had been rumors that most of the younger MacKay men, those that could fight back against Alec’s rule, were either killed or exiled. The ones that remained were forced to pledge their loyalties or join their mates, so there were precious few left. It was obvious that the boys were forced to grow up way too quickly. Pride flashed in their eyes, showing that they’d shouldered their new responsibility without complaint, and resignation resided with their mothers, as though they knew they didn’t have a choice.

They should have hated Seth, but Alec knew that even if they did, they’d never admit it to him. He was an outsider, and now he was in charge.

“Listen to me,” he shouted forcefully. “Aye, the rumors are true. Seth MacKay is dead. I am Alec Sinclair, and I have been ordered by the King to take control of this clan. Ye will respect me, and in turn, I will respect ye. Make no mistake that I will be watched closely by the King, and if he does not see the results that he wants, there will be another. And another. If ye don’t want that, ye will do as I say. I am here to strengthen yer warriors to protect you against attack. I am here to help ye rebuild yer homes and restock yer kitchens. If ye cannot abide my presence, then ye should leave now, because I doonna plan to go anywhere. The Sinclair clan is large and robust, and they will share their resources to help ye get on yer feet. Ye will respect their presence on yer land, and I’ll not hear of any fighting or cruelty. Do we have an understanding?”

He could read the crowd and see the contempt, but no one dared to speak out against him. He had a feeling that, in time, that would change. As they regained their resources, they would regain their pride, but that was a risk he was willing to take. In time, he would win them over.

“Good. Shane, Jamie, and Stephen are my three top men. They will be coming around to hear yer most pressing needs. Kane here is also to act as an ambassador. He will always have my ear if ye have something that ye need to say. Now, it’s been a long day. Normally I’d suggest a celebration dinner, but I doubt there’s enough food for that. Go home, get some rest. I promise that tomorrow, ye’ll see some changes.”

More than a few grumbled under their breath as they dispersed. Kane had nothing but fire in his eyes as he shook his head.

“Do ye have something that ye want to say to me?” Alec said as he crossed his arms.

“No,” Kane grunted.

“No, what?” Alec challenged.

Kane’s eyes widened in horror, and for a moment, Alec thought that the man would deny him. “No..my Laird,” Kane choked out finally.

It was hardly a win considering that the words were practically dripping with poison, but Alec let it go. Waving his hand, he dismissed Kane and waited for Innes to approach him.

“I’d like to stay the night and make sure there are no fights breaking out,” Innes said politely.

It was a strange request, and it aroused suspicion in Alec. He immediately shook his head. “No. I don’t have enough food in storage

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