Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,6

was any less deadly.

“My name is Alec Sinclair,” he continued, still speaking as though he were afraid that he’d scare her. “I am current acting laird of the MacKays. Can ye tell me yer name, lass?”

She opened her mouth to tell him the truth, but suddenly, all she could see was Innes. He shook his head slowly and mouthed a single word to her.


Her stomach twisted, and she squeezed her eyes shut. “Claire,” she said finally. “My name is Claire.”

“Yer English,” Alec said in surprise. “What the bloody hell are ye doing here?”

Wasn’t that a story that he would love to hear? Clamping her mouth shut, she kept silent.

“Can ye tell me what ye stole, lass?” Alec asked as he watched her closely. Cora had never been very good at lying, and she couldn’t risk saying anything in front of Innes.

So she said nothing.

Alec sighed and picked her up. She gasped as he swept her up in his arms, and clenched her teeth against the pain from her bruises.

“She’s a thief!” Innes growled. “What do ye think ye are doing?”

“Can ye tell me what ye stole? Cause if no one can tell me what she’s doing here, then I’m not going to keep her here. The woman is obviously in need of a healer. If I discover later that she is indeed a criminal, I’ll deal with her accordingly,” Alec hissed.

Maybe it was the realization that she was finally getting away from the dungeon, or maybe it was the hope that she had an ally, but Cora felt herself slowly sinking into the man’s embrace. He was strong and warm, and although he wore a hard expression on his face, she found him strangely handsome.

Lord, she wasn’t attractive to him, was she?

Looking over Alec’s shoulder, she saw Innes following them with a grim look on his face. She knew that she could tell everyone what he’d done.

What Seth had done.

But then she’d risk Innes following through on his threat to hurt Lana. The girl was only fourteen, and the Thistles had no idea the danger she was in. They’d never be able to protect her.

Lana was more important than Cora. She was a beautiful girl with a bright future ahead of her. Even if Cora had been able to find a husband who was okay with her mother’s occupation, no one would have her after being held in a highlander prison for six months.

No one would believe that she remained a virgin.

No, her future was ruined. She’d take whatever she could get now, and she’d keep Innes’s secret.

For Lana.


Alec crossed his arms as the healer examined Cora. She shrunk back whenever the older woman tried to touch her, and he couldn’t tell if it was because she was afraid or hiding something.

“Aye,” the healer said finally as she stood. “She’ll live. Plenty of rest, and she’ll need to put some meat on those bones.”

Cora didn’t say anything but watched him closely. He pulled the healer out and closed the door. “What do you know of her?”

“I knew there was a lass in the prisons, but I dinnae know who or why. Laird MacKay and Innes Campbell would go down there frequently to visit her.”

“Did they hurt her?” he asked quietly. For some reason, he felt protective over the prisoner. Even if she was a thief, she didn’t deserve their particular brand of cruelty. “Did they rape her?”

The healer shrugged. “She says she’s fine, but she wilnae let me examine her. Not to speak ill of Seth MacKay, but from the way that she reacts to my touch, I’d wager that she’s been beaten. Is it true what they say? That you killed Laird MacKay?”

“Go join everyone else below. I’ll address the whole clan at once,” he said sternly. He didn’t like having to repeat himself over and over again.

He’d sent Innes downstairs as well. He could tell that the sight of the man distressed the prisoner, even if he didn’t know why. Turning to the guard at the door, he frowned. “What’s yer name?”


“Well, Hoyt, since there are no more prisoners in the dungeons, ye’ll guard her. No one but the maid is allowed in and out, and if Innes Campbell tries to get near her, ye let me know.”

“And if she tries to escape?”

“She’s not a prisoner anymore,” Alec said sharply. “But I want her to rest, and I want her protected, so no. She’s not to leave the room until I return.”

Hoyt looked dubious, but he nodded. Alec

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