Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,60

your brother? Surely that’s an act of treason, and his men will rise up against you and take their revenge.”

Innes curled his lip. “I have been painstakingly turning his men against me,” he growled. “Ye interrupted before I could finish, my sweet, but I have enough. We can take them.”

Take them. Hope rose inside of her. “Your brother isn’t dead.”

“He ran, the coward. Apparently there are still secrets in this keep that I have yet to discover.” Cold fury vibrated in his voice, and she knew that wouldn’t end well for her.

“Then I suggest you go chase him.” And leave her alone.

Baring his teeth, he grabbed the goblet that rested on the table and hurled it against the wall. She jumped at the sound and scrambled off the bed, but the chains did not allow her to get very far. She’d be damned if she stayed there waiting for him like some docile little thing.

“First my brother.” Grabbing her, Innes yanked her up against his body. “And then ye will have my full attention.” He kissed her hard, and she brought her foot down on his hard and shoved him away. Chuckling, he released her, and she fell back on the bed.

“My husband will come for me. Tell me, Innes, do you have the resources to fight on two fronts? Let me go, and you may still survive this.”

The horrid man just smirked. “Perhaps, but ye came here willing, lass. What man would go after his traitorous wife when she betrayed him? I have a feeling that he will happily leave ye here to rot. These men will be here to watch ye, so if ye start screaming, they have my permission to put that pretty little mouth to some other kind of use,” he said as he turned. Cora kept facing the wall until she heard the door close, and then, looking down at the small silver key tucked away in the palm of her hand, she smiled to herself.

Now all she had to do was bide her time and not let his words steal away the last of her hope.


Alec did not have the men he wanted to take with him, but he could not leave the MacKays defenseless. With his friends—Kane and a few other most loyal of the MacKay warriors, and several of the Sinclair guards—he rode hard and fast to the Campbell land. With any luck, Laird Mac Campbell didn’t know of his brother’s obsession and would help.

If he didn’t, then the gods help him as well because nothing short of death would let Alec give up on his wife, and he wasn’t so certain that even that would stop him.

Early scouts were unable to find Cora, and he just knew that his sweet little wife knew that there was no point in traveling to England on her own. She’d gone straight to the source of the problem, and by now, Innes would have her in his clutches.

Bile rose in his throat when he thought of all the things that he could be doing to her. Cora would survive. He would do whatever it took to make sure that she healed and knew that he wouldn’t let anyone else harm her ever again.

It didn’t take long before they were joined by Campbell guards. “Halt,” their leads barked. “Name yer business.”

The sly look in his eyes told Alec that they would find no sympathy in this man. No, he knew just what was happening in the keep, and he planned to make sure that it wasn’t interrupted.

Alec drew his sword, and his men followed suit. “Innes Campbell has taken my wife. Ye will let me pass, or ye will be slaughtered where ye stand.”

“My laird hasnae left this keep in days. If there is a bonnie lass with him, then she has come willingly.” He and the Campbell guards snickered.

“Ye speak of treason, for Mac Campbell is yer laird,” Alec hissed.

“Mac Campbell is dead. Innes is laird, and we swear fealty to him.”

So Innes had disposed of his brother. It didn’t surprise Alec. He didn’t like Mac, but he trusted the man far more than he did his younger brother. “I will give ye one more chance. Let me pass to see my wife, or die.”

“’Tis a shame that the new MacKay laird throws his life away so easily. Perhaps ‘twould be best if the MacKays were under Campbell rule,” the captain said as he drew his sword. Then, they charged.

Alec and his men were outnumbered,

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