Highlander's Beautiful Liar A Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance Historical Novel - Adamina Young Page 0,59

well, and she is a liar,” Alec said grimly. “She isnae going to England. She is going to Innes. The little fool is hoping to sacrifice herself for her family.”

Grace reached out and slapped Alec. “And for ye, Alec. She loves ye. When ye go to rescue her, ye remember that.”

She loved him. Seeing the anger in Grace’s eyes, he knew that it was true. Reaching out, he cupped her chin. “Doona worry, little sister. I will. Come. There is no time to lose. Thankfully, Cora doesna know the terrain well. I will probably find her walking around in circles.”


Back in chains. Wonderful plan, Cora. At least this time, I can sit.

Testing the bolts against the wall, she glanced at the closed door as it creaked open. Walking into the Campbells’ territory hadn’t been the smartest plan. She’d hoped that she could avoid Innes and appeal directly to his brother, but she’d underestimated his reach. Of course he’d have men who were loyal to him.

Now she was in chains, and she had a feeling that it wasn’t going to be Mac Campbell walking through the door.

At first, he didn’t say anything as he walked in. Just smiled triumphantly, as though her walking in to give herself up meant it was his victory. Like terrorizing a woman was a battle that he’d won. “Do ye think that ye giving yerself up means that I will spare yer family? Yer sweet little Lana and that husband who has been rutting between your legs every night?”

“Just the very fact that you didn’t get there first means that I won.”

Innes roared and lunged at her. When she tried to scramble out of the way, he just grabbed her chains and jerked her back. “When I am done with ye, my sweet little Cora, yer husband will never want ye again.”

His fingers dug into her waist, and he jerked her skirts up, but before he could touch her, the door opened again, and another man stood in the doorway. “Innes Campbell, what the devil are ye doing?” Mac hissed. “Chaining up the new Sinclair bride?”

“MacKay,” Cora breathed heavily. “I am MacKay, and by being their laird, so is Alec. Laird Campbell, I came to see you. I should have come to you long ago, but I didn’t know where your loyalties lie. I still don’t.”

“Quiet,” Innes hissed, but this was Cora’s chance, and she wasn’t going to let it go.

“He was there when Seth killed my father,” Cora yelled. “I remember what they said. What they promised each other. Innes would help Seth kill his father, and in return, he would help Innes kill you. Two madmen with their own clans. Innes may be your brother, but is not loyal.”

“Lies!” Innes backhanded her, and she fell into the stone and struck her head. Pain exploded in her skull, and she crumpled to the ground, but she struggled to maintain her vision.

“Innes,” Mac said warily. “I have wondered. Ye and Seth never did anything alone.”

Slowly, Innes withdrew his sword. His eyes were as cold as the iron around her wrists. “Ye never treated me like a brother. Never treated me like family. Never listened to me. The Campbells suffer because ye are more concerned about maintaining our allies then growing our power and strength. Under me, they will.”

Mac. He’d come in here unarmed. Cora saw the fear in his eyes, the truth.

She’d gotten him killed. As the blackness narrowed her vision, she had one last thought.

This is all I’m good for. Getting people killed…

There were still heavy chains around her wrist. That was her first observation when she came to. Keeping her eyes closed, she tried to figure out what had happened. If Mac had struck his younger brother down, then she would be free.

Wouldn’t she?

Her head still hurt, but she wasn’t alone. Footsteps sounded as someone paced from one wall to the other.

“Cora, my dear, I know that ye are awake,” Innes said seductively. “Ye might as well open yer eyes.”

Nausea rolled in her stomach, but she wasn’t going to hide from him. She wasn’t going to let him bully her anymore. Sitting up, she opened her eyes and realized that she was still chained, but she’d changed locations.

Now she was chained to a bed and someone had dressed her in a nearly sheer nightdress.

Imagining Innes’s hands on her naked skin, she nearly vomited right then and there.

There were two other guards in the chamber, but Mac was nowhere to be seen. “Did you kill

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