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warm and welcoming face in a sea of hatred and animosity. Genevieve would never forget it, or the kindness that Taliesan had shown her.

When she let herself back into her chamber, Bowen was awake and dressing by the fire. He glanced up, relief lighting his eyes.

“I did not know where you’d gone,” he said gruffly. “You worried me.”

She went to him, hugging him fiercely. He seemed surprised by the spontaneous gesture and hugged her back, holding her to him for a long moment.

“I was but saying my farewell to Taliesan,” she said quietly. “She is the only person I shall miss. She is the only person who has been kind to me during my sojourn here.”

“She is a good lass, with a valiant heart,” Bowen said.

“Aye, ’tis true, that.”

“We have a short time before we depart,” Bowen advised. “Is there anything you wish to take with you?”

“Only the chest at the foot of the bed,” she said in a low voice. “ ’Tis all that survived the attack on my escort. It has the bow my father gave me, and my wedding dress my mother sewed herself. Ian destroyed all else. I would take them if ’tis acceptable. They are all I have left of my parents.”

He touched her cheek. “Of course, lass. ’Tis not too much of a burden for you to take your belongings. I will see that they are packed in a cart to bear back to Montgomery Keep. Pack anything else you wish to take with you inside the chest and I’ll have my men bring it down.”

“Thank you,” she said, touching his cheek in kind. “I’m ever grateful to you, Bowen. No one has ever shown me such kindness. I’m overwhelmed.”

He brought her palm to his lips and pressed a kiss to the soft flesh. “Your happiness means much to me,” he said simply. “Now, let us go and prepare for our journey. Graeme will be anxious to return to Eveline, and I must say my farewells to Teague and Brodie.”


Genevieve waited nervously by the horse Bowen had selected for her to ride. Bowen was conversing with his two brothers and Brodie Armstrong a short distance away, and she knew once Bowen said his farewells to Teague, Graeme would come over, because Bowen said he wished to be introduced to her.

It was enough to make her break out into a cold sweat.

She knew that Bowen would have told his brother all about her situation, and it sickened her that others would know of her shame. She’d tried to wear her cape and hood, but Bowen had stoutly refused to allow her to hide behind it, stating that she had no reason to hide, no reason to be ashamed.

Still, she bore it in the sack tied to her saddlebag, because she could not bear the thought of facing Bowen’s entire clan without the barrier of her hood.

To her surprise, Teague and Brodie both accompanied Graeme and Bowen over to where she stood. Brodie was the first to offer his farewell. He simply ruffled her hair in a gesture that astonished her. As if she were a beloved little sister that he teased mercilessly. It warmed her and made her feel that she had a place among these people.

“Be well and happy,” Brodie offered.

“Thank you,” she said, her voice heavy with emotion.

Teague pulled her into a hug and kissed her forehead in an affectionate manner.

She clung fiercely to him, hugging him in return. “Thank you for your aid,” she whispered.

“I was glad to give it,” he said sincerely. “Safe journey to you.”

And then Teague and Brodie walked away, deep in conversation, and she was left alone with Bowen and his older brother, Graeme, the laird.

She licked her lips nervously and peeked up at Graeme. He was not as fierce as she’d imagined. He had a kind, thoughtful look that gave her hope. He was rumored to be a fair man, though he was fiercely loyal and protective of those he loved.

And ’twas well known he adored his wife.

“ ’Tis good to make your acquaintance, Genevieve,” Graeme said in a gentle tone. “I’ve heard much about you and the trials you have suffered. I want to offer my assurance that no such thing will occur on Montgomery land. You will be afforded protection and respect during your stay with our clan.”

She had to bite her lip to prevent the flow of tears. She blinked rapidly and performed a deep curtsy in front of Graeme, chiding herself not

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