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to soothe her distress. “You have that effect on me, lass. You do things to me I’ve never experienced. I’ll want you always. I don’t know that I’ll ever have enough.”

He wrapped his arms around her and rolled atop her so their positions were reversed. He pushed forward, stroking to the very heart of her so she could feel he was fully erect once more.

“As you can see, I’m very much ready to have you again,” he murmured.

She lifted her head to kiss him. “Then have me, warrior. Have your fill. The night is young yet and we have until dawn.”


Genevieve didn’t sleep the entire night. Even when Bowen had drifted into a contented slumber after spending many hours loving her, she’d remained awake, focused on the fact that in just a few hours she would be rid of this place once and for all.

Excitement bounded in her veins. She had no idea of Bowen’s plans, but he was taking her away and ’twas enough to fill her heart with relief and joy.

No more would she suffer the taunts and abuse of others. No more would she be forced to live in a place that held nothing but memories of pain and humiliation.

It was the hour before dawn when she realized that she had not spoken to Taliesan of her departure. Taliesan was the only person she would miss, the only person who’d been friend and ally to her at McHugh Keep.

Genevieve slipped from the bed, leaving Bowen to sleep as she quietly dressed. Then she went next door to Taliesan’s chamber and let herself in. It was dark within the chamber, with only a few dying coals in the hearth to give light.

She went to Taliesan’s bed and touched the girl’s shoulder in an effort to wake her.

“Taliesan. Taliesan,” Genevieve whispered.

Taliesan stirred and turned over. “Genevieve? Is aught amiss?”

Her voice was groggy and heavy with sleep.

“Nay,” Genevieve whispered back. “I came to say goodbye.”

Taliesan sat straight up in bed, pushing the covers aside. Then she started to scramble up and Genevieve put out a hand to halt her.

“What is it you have need of?” Genevieve asked.

“I wanted to light a candle so that I may see your face,” Taliesan said.

“Remain in bed. I’ll light a candle and fetch it back to the bed.”

Genevieve went to the fireplace and added logs so that the flames would begin anew. Once a steady flame licked over the wood, she lit a candle and brought it back to the bed where Taliesan sat, her brow etched with concern.

“What is happening, Genevieve? Tell me you aren’t striking out on your own again. I worry for you so.”

Genevieve smiled and reached to cover Taliesan’s hand with her own. She gave it a gentle squeeze. “Your friendship means much to me, Talie. ’Tis the only bright spot in the year I’ve been imprisoned here. But I am a prisoner no more. Bowen is taking me away. We are traveling to Montgomery Keep. I am free.”

Taliesan reached forward and pulled Genevieve tightly into her arms. Her hug was fierce, and Genevieve could feel the wetness of Taliesan’s tears on her neck.

“I am so glad for you, Genevieve. You deserve happiness.”

“I could not leave without first giving you my thanks and telling you goodbye. I will miss you, Talie. I will not miss anything of this place except for you.”

Taliesan pulled away, her eyes wet with tears. “I will miss you as well, Genevieve, but ’tis glad I am that you are away from here.”

“I wish I did not have to leave you,” Genevieve said unhappily. “ ’Tis not a happy place to be, and ’tis not known what the fate of the McHugh clan will be.”

Taliesan shrugged. “They have made their fate. Now they—we—must face the consequences of all we have sown.”

“God be with you, Talie. And may we one day meet again.”

Taliesan hugged her again. “And God be with you, Genevieve. If we should never meet, I will long carry our friendship and cherish it.”

Genevieve caught her hands and squeezed. “I must go back now. There is much to be done before dawn, and ’tis when we are leaving.”

“I will be down to see you off,” Taliesan promised.

Genevieve smiled warmly at her. “I would like that.”

Genevieve leaned over to kiss Taliesan on the cheek and then hurried toward the door before sadness overwhelmed her. It made no sense to suffer any regret over her departure, but she would miss Taliesan. The lass had been a

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