Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,88

me, is that she was ashamed because she invited Ian to her bed, not once but twice. Do you want to know why, Graeme?”

A look of discomfort crossed Graeme’s face, but he didn’t respond. Bowen pressed on.

“She invited the bastard to her bed because he was set on raping and abusing Eveline as retribution for sins he thought she’d committed against him. Namely, ever daring to refuse him. Just as Genevieve had once done at court. Only Genevieve was not so fortunate to escape his revenge. But she could save Eveline, and she did so by willingly taking Ian to her bed in order to spare your wife. And, because she did so, she considers herself unworthy of me, my regard. Or my love.”

He finished the last fiercely, because he was gripped by rage all over again. He was furious that he’d misjudged her so, and that she still suffered the condemnation and judgment of his kin for wrongs she hadn’t committed.

Graeme’s lips formed a tight, resigned line. There was sorrow and regret in his eyes.

“ ’Tis a mess. The whole of it is a sorry tale. ’Tis disgraceful that one man caused so much suffering and grief because he was but a spoiled child deprived of all he wanted. His father is as much to blame as he.”

Bowen nodded. “Aye, he was. The lass put an arrow right through his neck. She sought retribution for the wrongs he allowed Ian to visit on others. She was full of hatred for them both.”

“ ’Tis not an easy matter before you, Bowen. Even if I grant my blessing and consent, there is the matter of her clan. You cannot hide the lass forever. ’Tis possible you’d even see them when you attend court. They would be hurt and furious if ’twas discovered that you’d kept the news of her being alive from them. They might even wage war with our clan over it.”

Bowen took in Graeme’s words, but they were not matters he hadn’t already considered. He well remembered the look on the lass’s face the night before, when she’d spoken of her family. How haunted her eyes had been. And the longing in her voice when she’d admitted she missed them.

And now Graeme was putting before him a very solid point. Bowen wanted to marry Genevieve. He wanted to take her to the Montgomery clan so she would be happy and well protected. But Graeme was right. He couldn’t keep her hidden away forever. He didn’t want to.

Never would he want her to think he was shamed by having her as his wife. He didn’t give a damn what people thought of her disfigurement. She was beautiful and breathtaking to him. He’d take down anyone who said otherwise.

Dread filled his heart because he knew, but was loath to acknowledge, the path that lay before him. He knew what was right—what was best—and it filled him with desolation.

“I need some time to think on things,” Bowen said in a low voice.

Graeme sighed. “If it makes things any easier for you, I will relent. I take back all that was said last night. I will welcome the lass into our clan if ’tis your wish. You are my brother, and I love you above all others. I want what is best for you, and I want you to be happy. If the lass makes you happy, then I will accept her.”

Bowen nodded and clasped his brother’s arm.

“I would meet the lass when you’ve had time to think on all that plagues you,” Graeme said.

“Aye, you will. I’ll introduce you myself.”

“I’ll leave you then.”

Graeme clapped Bowen on the back and squeezed his shoulder in a gesture of comfort. Bowen offered a grim smile and turned back toward the river and made his way down the hill to the banks.

The same banks where he and Genevieve had conversed more than once. Where he’d seen her glowing like a sea nymph, her body wet and glistening.

Christ’s bones, but the realization of what he had to do crippled him. He was paralyzed by the mere thought. Grief consumed him, but at the same time there was a peace slowly seeping into his consciousness.

’Twas the hardest thing he’d ever have to do, but it was the right thing.


Genevieve left her chamber a few hours after Bowen departed, even though he’d told her to remain inside. Normally, she’d obey his dictate—she’d done so until now—but the tiny, cramped chamber was driving her daft and she needed but

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