Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,87

was determined to give her the love and happiness she deserved. Even if it meant choosing her over the people he loved and held close to his heart.

It was hard not to be angry at Graeme for forcing him to make that choice. He understood Graeme’s feelings, but he went too far. He’d condemned a match between him and Genevieve without ever meeting the lass. And he hadn’t really listened to her story. He’d reacted in anger, and now Bowen was forced to do the unthinkable.

The woman he loved or the clan he was fiercely loyal to.

It was a choice no man should ever have to make. And yet he faced it now.

God help him, but he could never forgive himself or live with himself or call himself a man if he turned away from Genevieve and left her to survive on her own. He wouldn’t be able to sleep at night for wondering if she was happy, scared, alone, or hurt. And the simple truth was, he didn’t want to be without her.

Nay, the lass had endured far more hurt than a lass should ever have to endure in one lifetime. If it was left to him, she’d never suffer another moment of unhappiness.

She leaned up and kissed him, her fingertips touching the side of his face. He captured her hand, holding it against his cheek as he returned her kiss.

His body leapt to life, already hungry for her again, and he’d had her over and over throughout the night. It would never be enough. He’d never have enough of her.

He hauled her into his arms, kissing her more aggressively. And then he rolled her underneath him, spreading her thighs with his knee.

“Again?” she whispered.

“Aye, lass, again.”


It was well past the hour when he usually rose that Bowen made his way from Genevieve’s chamber and went in search of Graeme. Teague and Brodie weren’t within the keep, and it was likely that they’d accompanied Graeme on his tour of the McHugh holding.

The night with Genevieve had put him at peace with his decision. It had calmed and centered him when before his emotions had been in turmoil after his confrontation with Graeme. This morning he was better able to discuss the matter with Graeme, and he hoped he could make his brother see reason.

As he entered the courtyard, Graeme rode in with Teague and Brodie and dismounted. His sharp gaze found Bowen, and his features tightened.

Bowen approached with a determined stride, stopping a few feet away from Graeme. Brodie and Teague were just dismounting and Bowen hastened to say what he wanted before they came within hearing distance.

“I would speak to you privately.”

Graeme’s lips thinned. “You’ve had much to say already.”

“There is more. ’Tis information you should have before you set your mind on the matter.”

Graeme hesitated a long moment before finally nodding, and then he turned to order his horse taken care of. After his directive, he looked back at Bowen. “Come. We’ll walk to the hillside and speak there.”

Side by side the two brothers walked around the stone wall guarding the keep and a good distance away from the keep and the cottages that surrounded it.

’Twas like old times. Bowen always at Graeme’s side. Bowen always carrying out Graeme’s wishes. He was plagued by sadness over the rift between them, but it was one he hoped to have sorted.

Graeme paused, his gaze taking in their surroundings. The wind whipped around them, sailing over the hillside.

“What’s on your mind, Bowen? I assume you spent last night with Genevieve.”

There was strong disapproval in Graeme’s voice, but Bowen didn’t react. He fixed his stare on the distant river as he gathered his thoughts.

“Genevieve set Ian on a path that she thought would bring about the most likely chance of his death—and her rescue.”

“Aye, you told me. By encouraging his plan to abduct Eveline,” he said in disgust.

“Apart from the fact that you place the blame on the wrong person, Genevieve did not carry out the plan. She was not the longtime tormentor of Eveline. ’Twas Ian, and you well know it. There is more you do not know. I’ve told you that she was abducted by Ian, her face ruined by his knife, and that he raped her repeatedly. He also invited his men to do the same.”

Graeme’s face twisted in disgust and he issued a rare blasphemy.

“What I learned only last night, and I learned it because the lass was in tears and sorely afraid to confide in

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