Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,121

I’m asking you, lad. Would you be willing to spend spring and summer within our clan instructing the men and training with them, so that when Genevieve does inherit the leadership role you will be an able taskmaster to assist her in her duties?”

Bowen let out his breath. It wasn’t something he’d ever considered. Aye, he’d gone to the McHugh clan on behalf of his brother and he’d assumed leadership there, albeit for a short time. But it had never been on the assumption of anything more permanent.

What Laird McInnis proposed was no small thing, and it would mean leaving his own clan. His brother, to whom he owed his loyalty.

But to have Genevieve? To have her as his wife. To live and love and raise their children. Aye, he’d do anything.

He glanced at Graeme to gauge his reaction, but there was no disapproval on his face.

“If you are asking me my thoughts, I would say ’tis your choice. I’ll support you in whatever you choose,” Graeme said. “You’ll be sorely missed, but ’tis also a great opportunity for you, and you’ll have your heart’s desire. If the positions were reversed and this was the way I could have Eveline, I would not even hesitate a moment.”

“She would remain here until after the birth of the child. Through the winter,” Laird McInnis continued. “But come spring, when she and the babe are able to make the journey, I would like for you both to come … home.”

“Have you spoken on this with Genevieve?” Bowen asked. “Is she in agreement?”

Laird McInnis chuckled. “You truly do have my daughter’s best interest and happiness at heart. A man can ask for no better when choosing a husband for his only child. Aye, I’ve spoken with Genevieve on the matter. She is of much the same mind as you. She is happy and content as long as you are together.”

Bowen’s shoulders sagged in relief. It was almost too much to contemplate. When he’d said his farewell to Genevieve, he’d truly believed he would never see her again. That she was here, and he was being given an opportunity to marry her and that they were having a child together, was too much for him to take in. He was overcome and could not gather his thoughts enough to respond.

“It would appear we have a wedding to plan,” Laird McInnis announced. “I would send word to my wife, who was not happy that I did not allow her to accompany us on our journey. She woke up ailing on the morning of our departure, and I feared the ride would prove too arduous for her. But she’ll not miss her daughter’s wedding, or I’ll not be allowed back in my own keep. If ’tis agreeable to you, I’ll remain until she’s able to make the journey, and then you and Genevieve will be wed before both our clans. I’ll not have some hasty affair, as though I’m shamed by the fact my daughter is with child. It will be a celebration unrivaled by any. I would give her a wedding worthy of a lass who has no equal in my eyes.”

Graeme nodded. “I agree. Eveline will be delighted to plan such a grand event. It will truly be a joyous occasion. My brother has moped as a man half alive in this time that Genevieve has been away. I would see him happy and celebrate his good fortune.”

Laird McInnis chuckled. “Between the lass ailing with the babe and her missing Bowen, it’s been a dirge within my own keep.”

“Sick?” Bowen asked sharply. “Genevieve has been ill?”

Laird McInnis waved his hand in a dismissive manner. “ ’Tis nothing more than the usual with a woman in her condition. I remember when my own wife was carrying Genevieve, we had to keep a chamber pot in every room. We never knew when the lass would take ill. Worry not. Genevieve is hale and hearty, and now that she is returned to you she’ll improve all the more.”

Bowen took in a breath and leveled a stare at the man who would be his father by marriage.

“I know this is not easy for you, to let go of Genevieve so soon after being reunited with her. I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to make her happy and ensure she never wants for anything I can give her.”

The laird smiled a little sadly. “Do you remember why you let her go?”

Bowen frowned. “I wanted

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