Highlander Most Wanted Page 0,120

he was dizzy with it. He tried to find the words to adequately convey his happiness, but nothing would come close to describing his elation.

He cupped her face, his fingers shaking against her cheeks. “You have to know that I’ll never want to let you go.”

Her eyes sparkled. “Aye, I know it.”

He sobered. “I want you happy, Genevieve. I’ll not force you to do anything you do not want. If you are content with your family, I would not take you away when they’ve only been reunited with you a month. I’ll not force you into anything when your choices have long been taken from you.”

Tears shone in her eyes and she put her hands to his face in a like manner. “I love you so, Bowen. Why think you I come with my father and the whole of our army? ’Tis not a short stay I plan. If you’ll have me. My mother has grand plans of visiting often, and of coming when ’tis time to give birth to our child. She says the Montgomerys will just have to come to terms with the McInnises being frequent visitors.”

“If I’ll have you?” Bowen asked hoarsely. “Lass, there is no one in this world I’d rather spend my life with. Have you? I’d suffer visits from the Devil himself if it means you’ll be by my side for the rest of my days.”

“My father wishes to speak to you on the matter,” she said in a more serious tone.

“Aye, I’m sure of it. He will want to make certain his only daughter is well cared for, and I cannot blame him. ’Tis certain I will be the same with the daughters you give me.”

Her smile lit up the hillside. “You’re so sure I’ll give you lasses.”

He covered her mouth with his own, savoring the joy of having her back in his arms. “I insist on it.”


It was difficult to relinquish Genevieve into Rorie’s and Eveline’s care even for a moment, but he settled the lass with his sisters and went in search of Genevieve’s father.

He found him in the great hall enjoying a tankard of ale with Graeme.

Lachlan glanced up when Bowen entered the room, his face twitching with amusement.

“ ’Tis about time you pulled yourself away from my daughter.”

Bowen inclined his head respectfully. “Genevieve says you have much to discuss with me.”

“Aye, I do at that.”

He gestured toward the seat in front of him. Graeme occupied the head of the table.

“Sit, lad. There needs be a serious discussion between us.”

Bowen took a seat, prepared for the fight of his life. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to prove himself worthy of Genevieve. And he’d move heaven and earth to have her as his wife.

“My daughter is carrying your bairn,” Lachlan said bluntly.

Graeme nearly choked on his ale, coughing violently as he stared agape at Bowen.

Bowen nodded. “Genevieve told me.”

“And? What say you to that?”

“ ’Tis most welcome news. I couldn’t be more happy that she carries my child.”

Laird McInnis stared shrewdly at Bowen. “She says you love her.”

“With all my heart.”

The laird looked satisfied with Bowen’s response, his posture relaxing as he continued to stare at Bowen.

“And I take it that you’re open to marrying the lass?”

“If ’tis what she wants, I’d marry her within the hour. However, I’ll not force her to do anything she doesn’t choose. She’s been denied choices for too long.”

Laird McInnis’s eyes glinted with respect. “I like you, lad. I think you’d be a fine husband for my daughter, and don’t think I’d accept just any man for her. She is my only child, and beloved by all her clan.”

“I would love her and care for her all my days,” Bowen said quietly. “There is no other man who will ever love her more.”

“I believe you,” the laird said in a sincere voice. “And ’tis obvious the lass loves you as well. Now, there are other matters—important matters—we must speak on before we settle things between us.”

Bowen nodded. “I am listening.”

“Genevieve is my only child, and my heir. When the lairdship falls to her, she will need a strong husband to stand beside her. Can you be content with that?”

Bowen sat straighter in his seat, his gaze narrowing. “If you’re asking if I would seek to undermine her position or put her behind me so that I may assume leadership of your clan, the answer is no. All I want is Genevieve. She is enough. She’ll always be enough.”

The laird nodded again. “There’s more

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