Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4) - Amy Jarecki Page 0,97

the woods, until they disappeared into the foliage. Eoin placed his arm around her shoulder. “I believe I gave the guard a bit of a surprise.”

“I daresay you did—though he does know you are the one who appealed to John on my behalf. I hope he doesn’t think badly of us.”

Eoin shrugged. “It is not his place to have an opinion. Besides, he’s sworn fealty to you, and should want for your happiness.” He pulled her into the cottage and shut the door, grinning with feral desire. Before she could say a word, he wrapped her in his embrace. “I’ve missed you ever so much.”

Helen rose up on her toes and met his lips with a kiss. “I’m ever so glad you’re here.”

“And how is Miss Maggie? Well, I pray?”

“Aye, she’s sitting up now.”

Eoin grinned and looked at the bairn who was indeed sitting on the sheepskin. “Och, the lassie is growing stronger by the day.” He crossed the floor in four easy strides and pulled Maggie into his arms. She squealed as he spun her in a circle. “You are growing as bonny as your mother.”

Helen set to preparing the evening meal while Eoin told of the events of Alexander MacDonald’s end. She ground her teeth when Eoin described how he’d held the men back and allowed Aleck to fight, and then detailed his bravado afterward.

“You mean the king granted Sir Aleck lands without asking for the full story? And half the MacIain men watched the fighting from the safety of their galley?”

“My men had the skirmish in hand.” Eoin’s shoulder ticked up. “And as for the king, Sir Aleck was standing over MacDonald’s body with a bloody dagger in his hand. ’Twas obvious he’d done the killing.”

“But you and your men made it possible.”

“Duncan knows that.”

“Aye, but does the king?”

Eoin slid his hand across her waist and nuzzled into her ear. “Does it matter?”

Helen sighed. “I suppose not. You’ve land a plenty and are aligned with one of the strongest clans in Scotland.”

Eoin’s gaze narrowed and he stepped away. A sudden coolness coursed over Helen’s skin. Had she misspoken?

He heaved a troubled sigh. “I’ve no castle to give you, Lady Helen.”

“Riches, a grand keep?” She drew her brows together. “After all this time we’ve spent together, you think I want a castle?”

Taking another step back, he spread his hands to his sides. “But you have lived in opulence all your life.”

She gestured to the walls of the meager hunting cottage. “Aside from the past three months. And to be perfectly honest, I’ve been happier here than any place I’ve ever lived.”

His chin ticked up as he took a step closer this time. “Clan Gregor is a proud people. Our blood runs thick. Honor runs deep with us.”

“As it does throughout the Highlands.” Helen stepped within inches of Eoin and grasped his hand. “Are you worried I’ll be unhappy if I haven’t dozens of servants to direct?”

That twitch returned to his jaw. “Helen, I look at you standing over the cooking fire and I ken you were bred for a better life.”

“But I enjoy cooking. I enjoy staying busy.”

“Then as we’ve discussed, you will consider becoming Lady MacGregor?” The tension in his jaw eased.

“Given our…” She glanced toward the bedchamber. “Interludes, I assumed it would go without saying.”

Eoin grinned and tugged her into his arms. “I give you my solemn vow you will never go without. And you will have servants to cook and clean.”

“As long as I am by your side, I should want for nothing.”

He captured her lips with a kiss. Slowly plying her mouth with languid strokes of his tongue, Helen melted like butter in the sun.

Maggie squealed.

Helen forced herself to pull away and hold Eoin at arm’s length. “She’s hungry.”

He licked his lips. “As am I.”

With his belly full and his mind eased with the effects of Helen’s fruity wine, Eoin watched as she put Maggie down for the night. Helen wore a white linen apron atop her woolen kirtle. Though a simple ensemble, she still looked like a queen. Eoin grinned at the way her bottom curved against the skirts when she bent forward.

He had a notion to cross the floor and sink his fingers into those womanly hips. Helen bent further and kissed the bairn’s forehead.

Eoin growled. It would be so easy to lift her skirts and slide into her from behind. But Lady Helen would be mortified. He swiped a hand across his eyes to change his train of thought. He would

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