Highland Knight of Rapture (Highland Dynasty #4) - Amy Jarecki Page 0,96


Gyllis greeted Eoin with a smile. “How goes the battle?”

“Alexander MacDonald was killed by Sir Aleck at Oronsay.”

“Honestly?” Helen kept her surprise hidden as she poured for the men. “Does that mean the rebellion is quashed?”

“Aye.” Eoin raised his cup. “It also means everyone’s headed home for St. Crispin’s Day. I’ve sent my men to their wives in Glen Strae as well.”

Gyllis clapped a hand over her mouth. “Sean might already be at Dunollie?”

Eoin picked up his cup and gave her a nod. “If he’s not there now, he will be. I left him and Lord Duncan standing on the shores of Oronsay with King James.”

“You left them?” Helen asked, worried that he might have been remiss.

Eoin shrugged. “I figured they no longer needed my services—at least not in the next sennight anyway, given the holiday and the fact we’d finally stopped Clan Donald from razing half of Scotland.” He looked to Helen and waggled his brows. “I’ve some good news to share.”

Could she allow herself to hope? “Aye?”

Eoin looked to Gyllis and Mr. Keith. “I’d wager you both can keep a secret.”

The elderly guardsman placed his hand over his heart. “You ken I’d protect her ladyship with my life.”

Helen inched to the edge of the bench. “We’ve nary a secret amongst ourselves.”

“Very well, then.” Eoin removed a missive from inside his quilted doublet, his big grin stretching his features made Helen’s insides swarm with butterflies. “After we stopped Alexander MacDonald, I sailed to Iona on my way back here. Your brother had returned from Rome only two days prior.”

Gyllis cleared her throat.

Eoin’s gaze darted to Mr. Keith. “M’lady,” he added hastily. After all, certain formalities could not be cast aside when in the presence of others.

Helen’s fingers trembled. “Is that missive for me?”

Eoin nodded and held it out.

After she took it, Helen could scarcely hold the velum steady enough to run her finger under the wax seal.

“What does it say?” Gyllis asked before Helen even had the missive opened.

“A moment.” Helen took in a calming breath and read. A tear spilled from her eye and streamed down her cheek. “Praise the heavens.”

“The Pope approved?” Gyllis snatched the parchment from Helen’s hands.

“Aye. My marriage has been annulled.” She stared at Eoin in disbelief. Though her toes touched the floorboards, she felt light enough to float up to the rafters.

Eoin reached out as if to give her a squeeze, but that wouldn’t appear proper in front of Mr. Keith and he drew his hand away. “The bishop advised we…uh…you should continue to remain hidden. He’s dispatched a messenger to Mingary and it would be best if Aleck didn’t know your whereabouts until he’s had time to adjust to the idea.”

“Do you think he’ll try to lash out?” Gyllis asked.

Mr. Keith held up his cup of cider. “If I know Sir Aleck MacIain, he’ll be in a rage for a month or more.”

Helen couldn’t have put a damper on her giddiness if the sky had fallen. “I don’t mind staying here all winter if that’s what it takes.”

“You shouldn’t need to hide that long.” Eoin moved his palm over her hand—a simple enough gesture. “Also, John intends on visiting Duncan after St. Crispin’s Day to personally explain.”

“Bless him. Bless both of my brothers.” Helen stared at Eoin, wishing they were alone. Oh, how much she wanted him to pull her into his arms and never let go.

“My, look how low the sun is in the western sky. I do believe the day has drawn away from us.” Gyllis, ever so good at taking her cue, stood and placed Maggie on the sheepskin rug. “We’d best be heading back, Mr. Keith. And pray Sir Sean hasn’t yet arrived home. I’ll want to be on the shore watching his galley sail to the embankment.”

Mr. Keith gulped down his cider. “Thank you for the tot, Lady Helen. ’Twas good to see you as always.”

Helen’s insides still quavered with the news, but she managed to bow her head to the guard. “Thank you for your service, Mr. Keith. I shall never forget your selfless kindness.”

“Nor shall I.” Eoin held out his hand.

Mr. Keith glanced at Helen before he shook the MacGregor Chieftain’s hand. Though they already considered each other man and wife, the rest of the world had yet to be advised, including Mr. Keith and the clergy.

Eoin bowed his head respectfully. “I hope to have the pleasure of meeting you again soon.”

Helen and Eoin stood together and watched as Gyllis and Mr. Keith rode into

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