Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,80

and Anna told of their meeting with the young man. As suspected, Duncan glossed over the specifics Anna knew Nessa would want to know. Anna happily supplied them, enduring a litany of questions going well beyond her ability to answer. Nessa at last seemed satisfied.

“Dinnae get yer hopes up too much, little sister. ’Tis no sure thing,” Duncan warned.

Nessa waved him off. “I know, but it gives me something to dream about.”

Anna smiled at the sight of this beautiful, budding young woman. Almost ready to become a wife, Nessa’s remnants of childhood demonstrated her need to fantasize about love. Finishing their meal, Anna and Nessa removed Duncan’s dressings and examined his wounds. With a series of questions, Anna led her through the steps to ensure proper healing, keeping infection at bay.

Duncan grew sleepy, so Anna suggested they leave him for a while. Nessa took the tray down to the kitchen. Anna leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips.

“If you wish to continue our earlier discussion, my lord, I will be delighted to oblige.”

Smiling, he caressed her cheek. “I look forward to carrying our discussion further, love, when we can be assured of a bit of privacy. Believe me, there is much to discuss.”

A tremor slid low through Anna’s belly at his words. With reluctance, she brushed the hair from his face then left, pulling the door closed behind her.

Several packages waited on her bed, one of which she didn’t recognize. Curiosity getting the best of her, she opened it and discovered a stack of books bound together with twine. On top lay a copy of Plato’s Dialogues, and a volume each of Aristotle’s logic and physics treatises beneath.

In addition, a book of poetry and prose, along with one each on mathematics and astronomy. All were battered, but in good enough shape. A new book she had not seen before lay at the bottom of the stack. Inventarium Sive Chirurgia Magna. To her great surprise and delight, this book was a comprehensive manual on surgery and medical treatments. Written in Latin, many of the subjects covered held new knowledge for her. Anna knew Nessa would be as excited as she to explore it.

Another stack held three new, leather-bound volumes filled with blank pages. A wooden tube full of blank scrolls, several quills, a bottle of ink and a trimming tool lay nearby. Anna knew instinctively Duncan had purchased the items for her and saw them as a clear invitation to write out things she had learned. Grabbing the gifts she’d obtained for Nessa and Lady MacGregor, she delivered them. Anna placed Mairi’s special present under her pillow with a note of thanks. She left the package with the laird’s belt and sporran on top of the bed.

Anna then strode to the stables, eager to get a good look at the new stock they’d captured. At the paddock, she met Ross.

“Your stitches look good. We will leave them in another few days. It appears as though there will be little scarring.”

“Yer work is verra fine, milady, but a man needs a few scars. They are evidence of his worth in battle. The next time ye have occasion to stitch me, dinnae be so careful.” Ross grinned at her.

Anna laughed, remembering their talk of wounds and scars over the campfire. “I will bear it in mind. How are the horses we brought back?”

“I was told to wait for ye to inspect them.”

They examined each horse thoroughly. The animals were all in good health, though two needed new shoes. Almost half were mares and would make decent breeding stock. The geldings were acceptable, though two were short and stocky, better suited to working the fields or pulling carts.

From there, she walked to the spinner and weaver’s shop, where the new wool had been delivered. After being measured, they assured her two pairs of woolens would be ready within a few days. Nessa and Lady MacGregor were also to be measured for a set. After thanking them, Anna made her way back to the keep.

She gathered her new scrolls and quills and checked on Duncan, finding him still asleep. His color appeared improved, though the trip had taken a toll on him. She settled at his desk and organized lessons for the training sessions beginning on the morrow. Since she’d never taught before, she wanted to be well prepared. Her sex would be a hindrance for many, in spite of the laird’s order. She vowed to prove his decision a sound one.

The afternoon

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