Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,79

gently at first, then tighter. Moisture beaded at the tip and she lightly ran her thumb around it, spreading the glistening wetness. His hips bucked upward.

“Anna.” Duncan’s voice cracked.

She froze. “Did I do something wrong?”

“Nae.” A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest.

Anna considered the wry grin on his face and squeezed his cock again. “What happens if I do not stop?”

His face darkened. “I will spill myself in yer hand.”

“Do you want me to stop?”

A choked laugh burst from his lips. “Nae.”

Tentatively, she stroked his cock and it pulsed beneath her fingers. She bent closer and ran the tip of her tongue around the tip. His cock jerked convulsively. Taking him in her mouth, she continued to stroke him, increasing her pressure and rhythm.

Duncan gripped the bedclothes, a moan drawing from his throat, his breathing labored. Suddenly, his body hardened and shuddered, her name a constricted whisper from his throat. He grabbed her shoulders and tried to pull her away, but she easily resisted and felt his warmth spill forth. She lightly kissed and caressed him as he softened in her hand.

His breathing evened and he reached for her. Fascinated and elated to have pleasured him so fully, she placed a final kiss on the tip of his retreating cock and allowed him to reposition her under his arm.

Peering at him from beneath her lashes, she idly trailed a fingertip down his chest. “Did you enjoy that as much as I did?” A tingling sensation, much like the one created by his kisses, lingered low in her belly.

“Ye enjoyed that?”

“Very much,” Anna purred. “Did you?” She knew he did, but wanted to hear him say it.

“My angel, ye just took me to heaven and back. How could I not enjoy such a trip?”

She nibbled his ear, then whispered, “Good, because I like the way you taste, and want to do it again.”

Winding his fingers through her hair, he answered, “The next time ’twill be my turn to do the same for ye, my love.”

Anna propped on an elbow and looked at him askance. “Duncan, be serious. I do not have a cock.”

Hugging her tightly, he chuckled. “Nae, ye do not, thank the saints, but ye have something better, and I shall look forward to showing it to ye.”

Anna nestled onto his shoulder, making lazy circles with her fingertips in the coarse hair covering his chest. Her body hummed with the need to be close to him.

“I find myself wondering what I did to deserve ye,” he murmured.

She leaned over and kissed him, tugging his lower lip with her teeth. “Remember, we have yet to address my role as your wife. I fear you may be getting more than you bargained for, my dearest Duncan.”

“Oh, I havenae forgotten, boidheach laoch, my beautiful warrior—she who is able to send a man straight to heaven or hell, depending on her mood.”

Anna liked that very much, and was about to playfully reply when a tap at the portal ended their privacy. Hopping off the bed, she straightened the bed clothes before opening the door to admit Nessa.

She greeted them with a tray of Anna’s favorite breakfast foods and a hot bowl of porridge for Duncan. “Good morrow, brother, good morrow, sister. When is the wedding?” Her youthful face glowed with happiness. Duncan and Anna both chuckled at her question.

“Good morrow, Nessa,” Anna replied. “We have yet to discuss a wedding day, but you will be the first to know when we decide. What have we here? I see you took my parting words quite seriously.”

Nessa grinned as she put the tray down on a side table and plopped into one of the chairs. “Aye, I did. I have been looking forward to hearing what ye have to tell me.”

Anna helped Duncan sit, supporting his injured shoulder with a pillow. Grabbing the porridge, she dipped the spoon and raised the bite to his lips.

“I am able to feed myself, woman. Place the bowl and spoon here. My sister demands an audience with ye.” His voice was gruff, but his eyes sparkled with humor.

After settling the bowl on his lap, Anna watched him take in the first spoonful before she spoke. She started by telling Nessa a slightly watered-down version of her conversation with Iain at the market—minus Colina’s physical attributes. Delighted to hear about Iain and Colina, Nessa quickly grew impatient to hear about Blaine Graham. Wickedly teasing the girl, Anna dragged out her story until Nessa whined and bounced in her chair with agitation.


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