Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,41

with his father to sip whisky and discuss matters of the clan. His da didn’t seem to be in a talkative mood, which gave Duncan time to mull over his questions and try to understand why Anna had him so knotted up.

“Da, what are yer plans for Anna?” Duncan stared intently at the flames, not yet ready to meet his father’s keen gaze.

Kenneth seemed to carefully consider his question. “Why do ye ask?”

Duncan kept his face toward the hearth, but darted a glance at his da. “Taking her as yer daughter, do ye mean to form an alliance with her marriage?”

An edge of the laird’s mouth twitched. “Nae. She is not my blood. I have no authority to do such unless she asks. She still has living kin. Besides, do ye see her marrying against her will? I wouldnae wish such a fate on any man.”

“Aye, I have thought the same.” Duncan squirmed in his chair, and rubbed the back of his head.

“Has she agreed to stay?”

“Not yet, but I plan to convince her.” Duncan’s words sounded more confident than he felt.

Kenneth turned slightly toward him, a smile pushing its way onto his mouth. “And how do ye plan to do that?”

“I intend to take her to wife.”

Kenneth tossed his head back in laughter. Vexed at his reaction, Duncan waited for his father’s mirth to subside.

“Do ye think she would make a good wife?” Duncan faced his father, curious as to his answer.

Kenneth sobered. “I think there isnae much the lass cannae do. She could very well be yer greatest joy and yer greatest frustration. She willnae submit to any man easily. You might have an easier time fighting dragons.”

Duncan frowned, staring into the contents of his cup. “Mayhap the key will be not seeking her submission as if she were a common woman.”

The laird studied his son’s face for a moment. “Why Anna?”

Duncan exhaled deeply. “’Tis a good question. One I have mulled over since the day I laid eyes on her. Each day the list grows longer as I discover more of her character. I could name her virtues—most ye have seen, the rest ye have heard. There is something there when I look at her. It defies logic, or anything I’ve encountered before.”

He leaned back in his chair and stared at the ceiling. “I cannae get her out of my mind. I think about her scent, her smile, about being around her all the time. I am content to simply watch whilst she grooms her horse. I dinnae have a name for it, but ’tis like a strong thirst. I cannae get enough of her.”

“Does the lass feel the same way for ye?”

“I dinnae know what she feels.” Duncan sighed and closed his eyes as he considered how to broach such a topic with her.

“So she no longer wishes to run the two of us through?” Kenneth’s tone, while teasing, held a measure of sincerity.

Shaking his head, Duncan opened his eyes, his lips turned downward. “Nae. I dinnae think she hates us any longer, but she doesnae trust us, either.” He shifted in his chair, ready to change the subject. “We sparred together today.”

Kenneth’s brow rose to his hairline.

“I found a secluded place to train. We worked with swords for many rounds. She bested me often, though ’twas close.”

The laird’s grin snapped back into place. “She beat you in combat?”

“Aye, she did fairly, several times.” Duncan found he didn’t mind any longer. He wondered if there was a man among them she couldn’t defeat in a fair fight. Maybe Duff. “I wondered what ye think of me bringing her to train with the men.”

This brought Kenneth’s brow back down, furrowing. “Ye may not mind being bested by a woman, but plenty of men will, marked as warrior by her clan or not.”

“I know, but she has much to show us. I learned more this morning than I have in a while. Her tactics counter the advantages of strength. Such methods would be useful for the younger lads and older veterans. She also possesses knowledge of weapons I have never encountered before.”

The laird arched an eyebrow at this observation. “Have ye asked her where she comes by this knowledge?”

“Nae. I am trying to go slow. I dinnae wish to question yer decisions, nor argue again, but her first days with us have made all of this more difficult.” Exasperated, his hands splayed wide. “I am working on earning her confidence and friendship. She spoke at length about why

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