Highland Escape - Cathy MacRae Page 0,40

have a submissive bone in her body. If he were to wait for her to ask for his protection, he would be waiting until the whole of Scotland sank into the seas. The usual tactics one employed to catch the eye and heart of a lass would fall woefully short with her. No, he needed another approach.

“I enjoyed our training, Duncan.”

“If ye wish, we can set aside time most mornings to do so.”

She again flashed him a dazzling smile, and though he’d experienced one moments ago, he was no more prepared for the effect of this one than the first.

“I would like that.”

Women spoke regularly about love and passion. He could see the beginnings of one and feel the flames of the other already. To win her, he would need more—what? What did she say a few days ago at the stables? She wanted respect, for them to at least act as if they possessed honor. Chuckling to himself, he thought she had no idea how much of his respect she already commanded.

Anna reflected on how at ease she’d become with Duncan. It reminded her of the years she and Edrick spent training. The same intensity existed, the same competitive fire, but it seemed different somehow. She considered the differences, lost in the comparisons. Belatedly, she realized Nessa spoke to her. She gave her a guilty smile.

“I am sorry. My mind was elsewhere.”

Nessa gazed at her, a hand on her hip, a teasing smile on her lips. “I notice ye always seem preoccupied when ye come back from spending time with my brother.”

Heat rushed to Anna’s face. She wanted to deny it, but knew it to be true. She sought a reasonable explanation to Nessa’s observation. “’Tis because he was my enemy for many days,” she replied, frowning.

Nessa eyed her thoughtfully. “Is he yer enemy still?”

Is he? No, clearly not. Was he really ever? Anna realized it was much easier to categorize him thus when she didn’t understand why they captured her. Now—it was muddled. She didn’t know how to make sense of what he meant to her, of how she felt when around him. He provided protection when able, and cared for her horse when she could not. He’d taken time out of each day to acquaint her with his home, to make her feel welcome.

He’d shown understanding of her situation. He’d been gracious, and did not seem to mind overly much when she bested him in training. Anna chuckled. How many men could say the same? She knew from experience male pride could take only so much of a beating. If she were to categorize him? She realized she needed a new category. He didn’t fit within any she knew. Remembering Nessa’s question brought her thoughts to heel.

“No, he is not.”

Anna felt a building excitement as Duncan addressed his father.

“Da, Anna and I have discussed how she might find a role with the clan, and wanted yer opinion.” Duncan’s statement garnered everyone’s attention, including those within earshot from the lower tables.

The laird nodded and glanced at Anna to continue.

“Duncan suggested I might assist in the training and care of the horses at the stables.”

The corners of the laird’s mouth crept up. “Is that all? Such work, while unusual for a nobly bred woman, doesnae require my permission.”

“Duncan also suggested I take on the more serious healing cases, particularly those requiring surgery. We spoke to Fiona. She is eager to relinquish such duties, as she prefers her midwifery tasks.” She looked to Duncan.

“If allowed, Anna would need a place to work. I thought she might use one of the store rooms off the main hall until needed for fall.”

Glancing over the faces at the table, Anna saw this request pleased everyone. Their approval warmed her.

“What an excellent suggestion,” Nessa chimed in, beaming her approval. “’Twould give me the opportunity to continue to learn from her, if ye allow it, Da.”

Anna smiled, remembering the questions as Nessa watched her tend her own wounds. Fascinated, she’d begun a journal based on their discussions, listing various herbs, their uses and doses. She was a quick learner, apparently enamored by the topic.

MacGregor frowned at Nessa’s declaration. “Yer mother and I will speak about what assistance would be appropriate for a young maiden.”

Nessa smiled and nodded obediently. Amused by their exchange, Anna knew with a certainty she would have not been nearly as submissive with her own father.

After the ladies retired from dinner, Duncan sat before the fire

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