Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,94


I glance around the monitors, but my sight is once again drawn to the stage. The cat o' nine tails is whipping across the screen and landing with a loud hiss against a dummy. Lilly walks closer to the dummy and runs her fingers along the marks left by the whip while the trainer talks to her, wrapping the whip around his hand and walking toward her.

I can’t hear what he’s saying, but she’s listening intently. She’s showing him her full attention and taking the lesson seriously. The Dominants may not realize it yet, but in the years I’ve been here, I know an excellent Submissive in the making, and Lilly will certainly be one.

Although she won’t be mine. She’s not my type. None of these women are. I’d rather be picky and choose one who is meant to fit my desires, just as I’m meant to fit her needs. I’m not interested in a quick fuck; most of the men here aren’t. It’s better to find a match that you can grow to trust. Someone who can help you delve deeper into your darkest desires.

“Poker on Saturday?” Joshua’s deep voice distracts me from my thoughts. I turn in the swivel chair to face him. The room is a mirror image, and he’s been in charge of monitor display of the second floor, while I’ve taken the first. The screens behind him flip among the other rooms as he looks over his shoulder at me.

Joshua is a co-owner of the club with Madam Lynn. We went into business together with security, and his relationship with Madam Lynn created all of this. They’re good friends and nothing more. The ring on his finger and the collar on his wife make that more than apparent.

“Yeah, Saturday,” I answer. I’ve been hosting the card games the last few weeks now. My cabin’s on the outskirts of the city with no neighbors or wives, or in Joshua’s case, children.

It’s empty, which I used to enjoy. I’m fond of privacy. The only time I hear a voice at home besides my own is poker night. It hasn’t bothered me much before, but now that most of the men seem taken with their partners, the halls seem quieter in a way I find slightly disconcerting. Especially this last week, with Lucian being quieter than usual and preoccupied with his Submissive.

I crack my neck, feeling the stiffness of my muscles. I’ll hit the gym in my basement and take a shower before bed. I need to do something to get out this tension.

“How much you planning on losing this week?” I say and smirk at him.

Joshua’s face scrunches as he focuses on a screen. He visibly winces as he watches one of the red rooms in the dungeon. I’m surprised anything gets to him anymore.

Finally recognizing my words, he answers, “I’m taking every chip you got, Rocci.” I snort a laugh and hold back my yawn.

I stand up and stretch, picking up my worn brown leather coat off the back of my chair. It’s time to go home anyway. I’m going on a fourteen-hour shift here. Derek called out unexpectedly, and I covered for him on his short notice.

I think about what’s waiting for me back at home.

The mess is still on the table in the game room from last week’s poker game. A few bottles and cigar wrappers. Nothing worth bitching about; the maid will clean it up tomorrow anyway.

I watch the monitors in front of Joshua, consumed by the image that’s holding his attention. A Master and a Slave. They’re a rarity here. The red rooms in the dungeon require the most attention, for obvious reasons.

I’ve seen Masters come and go in the club. Many are Sadists and that creates serious problems, so we don’t allow many. I’m one, although my desire to use pain is only to enhance pleasure. And that’s not the situation that’s occurring on the screen at the moment. Joshua looks tense and concerned, but there’s no reason to be. Becca loves the pain. She doesn’t need a safe word because her limits are much higher than her Master’s. She arches her back toward the cane, accepting the blow and greeting it with a look of ecstasy etched on her face. She’s the only Slave here, and she’s collared. I don’t even know why they come here anymore.

It’s been a long time since a Slave has arrived. Someone who’s capable of trusting so wholeheartedly that they’re willing to give herself completely

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