Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,93

of women I’ve kept as slaves have wanted to stay. They may have said one thing, but I knew better. I have yet to meet the woman who is my match.

The women on stage I’ve seen before. The club has regulars, and the exclusive invites rarely allows for new members. It creates an environment of familiarity, which aids in allowing the members to feel at ease.

There are several trainers with them as well. The trainers are experienced in BDSM, another pivotal feature of this club that I played a part in. We needed a safe way for the Submissives and the Dominants to learn. This club isn’t a free-for-all. Although each Dominant has their own way of doing things, their own preferences and kinks, and we encourage the variety.

Dressed in leathers, the trainers are lined up and waiting for the women to choose instruments from the extensive collection. Their sole purpose is to provide a means for the women to explore their limits. One woman, I believe her name is Lisa, is concerned about her positioning. Although she’s dressed in a simple cream chiffon romper, she’s on the waxed floor of the stage, practicing with a trainer offering advice. She’s not very graceful. Poor girl. She’s going to really have to work on her balance.

A quick vision flashes in front of my eyes of how I’d train her. I’d use a flogger, certainly not a cane or paddle. Every unstable waver of her body would earn her a lashing. At first I’d have her balance on one foot, but ultimately I’d have her end up in the position she’s in now. On her back, on the floor, her legs spread and opened for me. And as she worked on balancing herself, the heavy braided tails would whip against her glistening pussy. I can visualize how the skin on her thighs and ass would be flushed red from the punishing strokes. But the ones at the end of her training would already have her on edge. What was a punishment, would turn into a reward.

I glance back at the Submissive, Lisa. I can see it happening, but not with her. She’s not for me.

Most of these women want a Dominant. They want to be able to rely on safe words. I don’t provide that. It’s something I’m not interested in. I want a woman's complete trust. Or at least her utter reliance on me, and total obedience.

I recognize Lilly on the stage as well. She’s fairly new to the club, and she’s yet to find a Dominant. She’s eager to learn and excitable, but her energy is excessively positive. I’ve heard many men talk about how she seems more vulnerable and breakable than even the more experienced Subs in the club. Bubbly is a good description of her.

Oddly enough, she’s the only one walking to the whips on the right side of the stage. Her bracelet is cream-colored, indicating that she’s finding her limits.

I glance at the other screens before coming back to hers. Her fingers trail down the knotted ends of a cat o’ nine tails, and several men in the audience perk up at the sight. I wouldn’t have guessed she’d be a red woman. The women with the red in their bracelets are ones who enjoy pain. Masochists. She may be interested in the whip, but her reaction will be enlightening, I’m sure. Many underestimate the intensity of the pain. It takes time and several punishing hits before the resulting adrenaline rush and flood of endorphins work their magic and turn pain into pleasure. It takes the right partner as well.

My eyes flash to the next screen, and a rough chuckle makes my shoulders shake as Madam Lynn catches Dominic lingering in the large opening between the front lobby and the dining hall.

One look from her, and he’s quick to go back to his place at the front. He may be nearly six and a half feet tall with broad shoulders to match his intimidating height, but Madam Lynn doesn’t compromise. Everyone knows that. Dominic returns to his post while he adjusts his dick in his pants. I snort a laugh. I’m not hard in the least.

Nothing has excited me for years, but Dominic never fails to be aroused. I imagine it would be different if the employees were permitted to play in the club. But there’s a zero-tolerance policy against it. Professionalism is the most valued attribute to Madam Lynn. I'm fortunate she makes an exception for

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