Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,82

I place my hands on my thighs and wait for him obediently. It’s the position he first made me get in on our first day. The memory puts a small smile on my face.

“Come here, treasure,” he commands in a voice I can’t deny.

I drop onto all fours and slowly begin crawling my way over to my Dom. It feels awkward. I’ve never crawled to him before, but I’m his Sub right now and I think this is what I’m supposed to do. I don’t want to mess up. I jolt slightly when he commands me to stop, his voice harsh.

“Don’t crawl,” he says, a hint of irritation in his voice. “I don’t want to play right now. Get up and walk over to me.”

Ashamed, I climb to my feet, my cheeks burning. I hesitate, feeling insecure now, my anxiety returning.

“Now, treasure,” he demands with even more authority.

My stomach twisting with apprehension, I walk over to stand in front of him. Up close, I can see something’s off about him. His whole body seems tense and he looks like… just worn down, like he’s had a rough day. At least, I hope that’s what it is.

My contract is almost over. Maybe he’s about to tell me he doesn’t want to renew it. That he’s ready to move on.

I’m filled with nausea over these thoughts, and it’s hard to keep my composure. Before I can ask him what’s wrong, he pulls me into him, kissing me on the lips passionately. Sighing softly, I melt into his arms, letting him hold me, surrendering my entire body to him.

When Lucian pulls back, my chest is heaving as I release breathless pants. That kiss was intense, and it goes a long way in calming me. Lucian obviously isn’t calling things off. Yet.

“What was that all about?” I ask breathlessly.

“You asked for more. That was me giving you more.”

I try to respond, but I’m not sure how. I didn’t expect this. This can’t really be happening.

I part my lips to say something, anything, but Lucian places his fingers against them, quieting me. “Shhh. This is about me and you right now. Let me give you what you asked for. We’re not going to the playroom tonight. Tonight, it’s just us.”

Just us? I stare at him in shock, hardly trusting what he’s offering. Lucian appears to be dangling everything I could ever want, right in front of me. I should be jumping for joy, yet I’m still worried that this is all some sort of cruel joke.

“Will that make you happy, treasure?” he asks, looking me straight in the eyes and making me weak in the knees. I can’t believe it. I want to clarify what more means to him. But I can’t. I’m afraid of the answer, and the deadline approaching us.

“Yes… Lucian,” I respond softly.

“You’re doing well,” Lucian whispers in my ear, his breath hot on my neck as he places his large hands atop mine and gently guides them in kneading the big ball of dough on the cutting board in front of us.

For dinner, Lucian wanted to pass on takeout and bond over making homemade pizza. I was apprehensive about it as I’ve only made it a few times before, and it’s never turned out well. But Lucian assured me it would be fine, that I had all I needed, chiefly him to guide me. Turns out he was right, the dough is almost perfect. And the experience has been one of the most pleasant things I’ve done in a while.

I could learn to love this, I think dreamily, enjoying the sensation of Lucian’s closeness.

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I’m pulled out of my thoughts and feel the heat of his body behind me, his hands guiding mine in a very sensual and deliberate manner, and his big hard dick pressing up against my ass.

“Do you like that, treasure?” Lucian says in my ear, nibbling on my neck, gyrating his cock gently up against my ass cheek, while pressing my hands into the soft dough, molding it into a flat surface.

“Yes,” I moan, my pussy clenching repeatedly with need. “Please give it to me, sir.”

Lucian kisses me several more times on the neck before saying, “Uh-uh, treasure. Not until we finish this pizza.” He huffs out a small chuckle in my ear. “Or at least get it in the oven.”

I feel like this is cruel and unusual punishment, pressing his big cock up against me, and then telling me I

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