Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,81

our bodies and rubbing her swollen clit.

Dahlia’s eyes go half-lidded and her lips part as her head falls back. I can see she’s close, so close. I lean forward, spearing my fingers through her hair, maintaining my steady pace and bringing her forehead close to mine.

I fist her hair and pump my hips faster, gazing into her eyes. There’s a spark there, staring back at me, keeping me focused on her. Soft moans pour from her lips and I’m quick to muffle them with my kisses. Our tongues tangle in a heated need to be as close to one another as we can. Her arms wrap around my shoulders, her hands in my hair as I thrust deeper, jolting her body slightly.

I tighten my grip on her hips as she pulls away, moaning my name. Her neck arches, and her mouth opens as her pussy spasms around my dick. I groan into the crook of her neck, loving the feeling and needing more. I kiss along her neck and up her jaw to her lips.

She greedily kisses me back with a passion I’ve never felt, her hot breath filling my lungs. Her fingers dig into my back, pulling me closer to her. And I lose my composure. “Treasure,” I murmur reverently, kissing every available surface of her soft skin as I thrust into her again and again, until I reach my own climax.

The tingling pleasure rolls through my body, building with a tension in the pit of my stomach and then explodes outward. My eyes close and I pull away from her as a rough moan is torn from my throat, but Dahlia takes my head in her hands and forces me to kiss her. She presses her soft lips to mine, and I give her everything I have.

She takes every bit of me in that moment. It’s all for her.

Chapter 26


I walk through the hallway of Lucian’s penthouse, my chest heaving with excitement, my heart pounding with anticipation. I’m feeling nauseated, and I don’t know what from.

Things are different. Yesterday was different. The rules have changed. At least for me they have. I was too chickenshit to tell him that I want him as a partner, a boyfriend, whatever he wants to call it. I need more than a Dom. But I think he knows that. Maybe I’m just pretending. Playing house so that I don’t have to believe that I’m just his pet. Just a Submissive he bought at the auction. It feels like so much more though, at least to me.

I’m too afraid to put a label on us. I’m afraid of what he’ll say.

I key in the code and open the door. Just like I’ve done every day for almost a month, it feels natural. Setting my purse on a stand in the foyer, I stop for a moment to touch the necklace at my throat. Lucian gave it to me this morning. It’s beautiful, made of gold and diamonds and has a bold, but elegant thickness to it. He wants me to be collared at all times. And he’s obtained a variety of them for me. I’m spoiled. I’m very well aware that he’s spoiling me in the jewelry department.

Reaching up behind my neck, I delicately take off the chain and slip it into my purse, grabbing out my new Sub collar in its place and locking it around my neck. This one is even more beautiful, with spiked diamonds and gorgeous gold accents dotting the sumptuous, cream-colored leather. It’s very flashy, and I would never wear it unless I was alone with Lucian.

I continue down the hallway on my way to the playroom, when I see him standing at the foot of the double-sided staircase. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of him. He’s never home when I get here. I’m supposed to wait for him. For a moment fear grips my chest, and I think I must be late. But he smiles at me as he walks toward me. No hint of a punishment in sight. He’s looking fucking hot as hell this afternoon, which shouldn’t be surprising since I saw him earlier this morning and he looked fucking hot as hell then, too.

It’s obvious he’s been waiting for me, and I’ve shown up exactly when he wants me to. My pulse begins to pound between my ears, and my legs tremble slightly as his gaze falls on me.

I quickly kneel, falling easily to the floor and submitting to him.

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