Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,58

he gets in the morning. The words emblazoned on the side say, “Please, sir.” When I bought it, I thought it was funny. Now I think it’s stupid as hell. It’s been fifteen days but it feels like so much longer.

I just wanted to get him something to say thank you. Lucian has been positively spoiling me over the last two weeks, sending boxes and boxes of expensive clothes, high heels, designer purses and seductive fragrances to my apartment door.

I’m still in shock over how much he’s splurging on me, especially after buying my contract for so much. The cost of these gifts has to number in the thousands, and they're the nicest things anyone has ever bought me. It’s hard not to think that Lucian cares about me since he’s going to all this trouble. I just wanted to do something nice for him in return. I feel like there’s something between us. Or there was. Now I’m just filled with worry.

I could be fooling myself though. Lucian’s a billionaire. Money probably means nothing to him. A few thousand bucks to spend on his fuck toy that he’ll discard within a few days probably doesn’t make him bat a single eyelash.

My lips part into a soft sigh and my heart does a flip as I look out of the window and see Lucian. He looks hot as fuck, casually leaned back against the club’s back wall, wearing black silk slacks and a white shirt that’s unbuttoned at the collar, showcasing his tanned skin beneath, his hands stuffed in his pockets. He’s wearing the same black mask he had on when I first met him, his eyes gazing at me through it with that intensity that makes me shiver.

As the car comes to a stop, he pushes off the wall and opens the door before Joseph can get out. “You’ve kept me waiting.” There’s a slight edge in his voice that causes my skin to prickle.

I grip my gift bag, intent on offering it to Lucian as a peace offering, and begin to open my mouth to say sorry, when Lucian gestures sharply and says, “Leave it. You won’t be needing that.”

“But it’s a gift for you-” I begin to protest.

“Put it away,” Lucian growls dangerously, stepping away from the wall and moving toward me. “Let Joseph take it away with him. You can retrieve it later.”

I lower my head with shame at how close I’d come to arguing with my Dom. My heart beats faster, and anxiety swirls in my lower belly. Shit. “Yes, sir.” Joseph appears at my side to take the gift bag from me as I get out of the car and stand by Lucian. Shivering with apprehension, I watch as he starts the engine and rolls off, leaving us alone.

I turn when I hear a step at my side and I look up into Lucian’s mask, seeing only his piercing eyes. I let out a gasp and jump a little when he grabs me by the hips firmly, his touch sending sparks of electricity along my skin, pulling me into him. My breathing turns into soft pants as my core heats from being so close to his hard body. Below, I can feel his huge cock pressing against my stomach, pulsing with powerful need.

“I-I-I’m sorry,” I stutter, unable to think clearly under his penetrating gaze, “about not seeing your text. I was shopping and my phone was at the bottom of my bag on vibrate.” I cringe at how pathetic I sound, waiting for some type of punishment from Lucian, but he doesn’t say anything and the corner of his lips curl up into a hint of a smile.

“Come,” is all he says, pulling me along to a door in the private side entrance where two men in black suits and sunglasses stand guard. He makes a gesture at the two men, some sign that I can’t quite make out, and they nod and open the door for us.

I follow Lucian as he drags me inside to a dark hallway with dim lighting. The lighting is so low that I can’t really see, and I have to hold onto Lucian to make sure I don’t bump into anything. We round a corner and the low lighting changes to a dark red. I look around, trying to get my bearings, but all I see are multiple doors up and down the hall. I don’t know where Lucian’s taking me; I’ve never been in this part of

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