Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,57

you need anything?” she asks.

“Of course.” She leaves silently and the phone rings again. There are emails and meetings, contracts and press conferences. I don’t feel like doing any of them.

I know exactly what I do want though. I silence the phone and grab my cell phone from the desk.

Dahlia’s number is right there from when she called last night.

She didn’t stay over last night. I had a four a.m. meeting with a company in Singapore. But she called when she got back to her place. Just like I told her to.

She’s not perfect, but she’s the perfect Submissive for me. She gives it her best effort. The training is the best part, and of course I always give her what she needs after she’s thanked me for her punishment. I got very lucky with her.

I press send and listen to the phone ring… and ring.

She doesn’t have work or classes today. I almost brought her into the office, but decided against it so that I could focus. But I need her now.

Of course she’s not fucking answering the phone.

I call again rather than leaving a message, and again it goes to voicemail.

Today has been a very trying day and I don’t want to take it out on my sweet Submissive. I take in a deep breath, running my hands through my hair.

She’s just busy for the moment. My desk phone rings as I breathe out and I glare at it. Hating the constant reminder that I’m stuck here instead of being with her. I’m tense and on edge. Close to ripping this fucking office apart.

I could do what I’ve done for the past three years. I could go to my gym and take my aggression out there. But I want to fuck. I want the exertion. I need the release.

I want to unwind and get lost in the feel of her tempting body.

You need to answer when I call you.

I press send on the text and sit in my seat, ignoring yet another phone call. I have actual work to do and I pay my lawyer and the agency enough money to take care of these problems for me. I should just let it roll off my shoulders and get this contract completed, but now I’m fixated on my treasure.

I go through at least a dozen emails, all with only partial focus. I keep thinking about Dahlia. Wondering what she’s doing. I should know. I own her right now. My eyes dart from the screen to my phone.

Ten minutes later, and still nothing.

I expect you to be available for me at all times. I send the text, feeling the anger rise higher.

She knows this. Dahlia’s a smart woman. She’s intelligent and knows the rules of this relationship. She’s never been a Submissive, but she knows enough.

And I fucking paid for her. If I wanted I could have her at my feet right now, sucking me off. My dick instantly hardens with need at the thought. That’s exactly what should be happening right now.

I understand she’s busy, and that she wasn’t expecting me. I hold on to the last thought. I can be reasonable. My expectations weren’t made clear, and I assumed too much. She should know to wait for my call. But I haven't explicitly told her.

Anger simmers on the surface; I paid for her. Her time is mine, and I’ve been generous. Maybe too generous.

This is my fault, but when I get my hands on her, I’ll make sure this never happens again.

Chapter 18


You need to answer when I call you.

I pull at the hem of my blouse with worry as I sit in the back seat of Lucian’s Rolls Royce, reading his last text to me. I’ve texted him back several times, but he hasn’t responded since he told me to wait for the car. I bite my lower lip, upset that I missed his calls and disappointed him. Worry stirs in the pit of my stomach as I meet Joseph’s eyes in the rearview mirror.

I was at the mall shopping when he sent the texts and calls, busying myself with a gift for him, and my phone was at the bottom of my purse. I simply didn’t hear it.

Everything is going to be okay, I tell myself, trying not to worry. Lucian will understand.

I glance down at the small bag at my side, my gift to Lucian. I got him a coffee mug from a gift shop. He drinks it non stop. It’s the first thing

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