Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,327

going to walk through the door any minute. But almost thirty minutes later, she's still not here. I glance at the time, my anxiety growing. Zander said he’d be back at six, and it’s almost two.

I turn back on my phone to text Nat to see what’s going on. Before I can type a letter, the last message she sent before I turned my cell off pops up.

Nattybatty95: Hey I’m going to stop by A.C. Moore to get some supplies so we can chat while we paint. I have a feeling this is gonna be a juicy talk. ;)

Artistchick96: Okay. I’m here at the apt already... but can you hurry? I need to leave here by 5:30.

No sooner than I’m done texting, there’s a knock at the door.

My heart jumps in my chest, my hand gripping at my shirt. It’s Natalie. It has to be. She’s probably back with her hands full of painting supplies. I let out a breath and try to shake off the dread.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Coming,” I call, slowly getting up, and moving as fast as I can.

I take a deep breath when I place my hand on the door handle. Muttering a quick prayer, I swing the door open and put on a cheery smile, “Hey Nat-”

My heart freezes as I see Danny standing only a foot away with a demented grin on his face. He’s dressed in his usual dress pants and dress shirt, except his eyes are bloodshot, his hair isn’t finely coiffed as usual and his clothes look rumpled.

“Expecting someone else?” he sneers. A whiff of alcohol hits me and I immediately know he’s been drinking.

“Danny?” I gasp. “What are you doing here?” It’s hard not to tremble and keep my voice even. I wasn’t expecting this at all. Zander’s words come to me unbidden.

Don’t leave the house without telling me.

“I’ve come to collect my debt,” he growls, his eyes boring into me with a hatred that causes my skin to prick.

“What? What are you talking about?” I try to move, to slam the door in his face, but my body feels frozen, paralyzed with fear. He takes enough of a step in that I can’t slam the door. I can run though.

“I followed you here,” he says, his voice low and dangerous. “You know what?” I ask after swallowing the lump growing in my throat and being as firm as I can manage. “You’re making me feel uncomfortable. I think you should leave.” It’s hard, standing up for myself. But I don’t have to take this kind of abuse from Danny. Not anymore. My hand feels hot as I push slightly on the door.

“You’re really asking me to leave?” Danny demands in disbelief, his nostrils flaring as he splays his hand on the door, keeping it from shutting.

“You’ve been drinking,” I say, “and don’t look well. It’s for the best.” My heart beats chaotically. If I just act like everything’s fine, it’ll be okay. I’m in control. “Please leave.” I hold his gaze, straightening my back and willing him to go and leave me alone.

For a moment, I think Danny is going to comply with my wishes, his head bowing. But when he looks back up at me, my blood runs cold.

“I don’t think so,” he says, his voice dark and deadly. Without warning, he rushes forward.

Crying out in alarm, I try to slam the door, but it smacks against his foot and he forces it open with a feral grunt. The door hits me straight on and I stumble, falling onto the floor. Heart pounding like a hammer, I scramble forward on my hands and knees while simultaneously reaching for my cell in my pocket.

I open my mouth, preparing to scream as loud as I can. But cold, powerful hands clamp down on my mouth from behind, muffling my cries. His hard body falls on top of me, knocking the phone out of my hand, but I grab it, forcing it into my blouse to hold onto it.

Kicking and bucking, I struggle violently, but I’m no match for Danny’s strength. He presses down hard on my neck, cutting off my air supply. I strain against his grasp, my heart pounding so hard I think it will burst. Danny increases the pressure, growling in my ear like the monster he is.

I grow weak, my vision dimming black around the edges.

It only takes about five seconds for me to go limp.

“I gave you to him,” I hear Danny’s voice growl from somewhere far

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