Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,326


If I told her I was staying somewhere, she would’ve pestered me with endless questions.

God, I feel awful.

Sucking in a deep breath, I type out a quick message, ignoring her last message.

Artistchick96: hey... are you home?

Nattybatty95: No, but I will be in about a half hour.

Nattybatty95: Why what’s up?

I hesitate, my heart pounding in my chest. As bad as I feel about keeping Nat in the dark, I’m not sure if I want to do this. But if I don’t give her at least something, she might grow suspicious.

Artistchick96: I want to meet up. To talk about something.

I’m barely done pressing send when the screen lights up with another ding.

Nattybatty95: I’d definitely be down for that. Burning rubber to get home.

Artistchick96: See u there

Another ding.

Nattybatty95: What’s this all about? Is it Danny?

I turn off the phone instead of answering. It'll take too much to type to tell my story, and I'd rather think about what I’m going to tell her on the way over. I still haven't decided if I’m going to tell her the truth yet, or make up some story.

But whatever I’m gonna do, I need to go there quick so I can get back before Zander’s home. Glancing at the clock on the wall it's almost one, so I don’t have too long, but it's still plenty of time.

Don’t leave here without telling me. His words echo in my mind before I can take a single step.

For a moment, I’m frozen with indecision, not sure what to do. Zander was explicit about not going anywhere without asking for his permission.

But Natalie's my friend. And she needs to see me to feel secure. I can’t leave her worrying about me like that.

Deciding that Zander will have to get over it if he finds out, I quickly get dressed and take off without looking back. He’ll get over it. I glance at my purse a few times, wondering if I should text him. But I don’t. Instead, I turn up the radio and try to relax, but it’s impossible.

A heavy weight settles on my chest just thinking about opening up to Natalie. I don’t know what I should do. Tell the truth. Or lie.

There are no pros to either one. I tell the truth and Natalie goes nuts, wanting to call the police. I tell a lie, and I feel like a shit face asshole.

I lose either way.

Whatever I do, I’m still going to apologize for being an absentee friend these past few months. It’s really not fair how I’ve treated her after all she’s done for me.

When I pull into my usual parking space at the apartments, I don’t see Natalie’s car anywhere, but I figure she’ll show up any minute as I step out of the car and head up inside. The familiar scent of Natalie’s perfume hits me as I step through the doorway and I feel a sense of nostalgia.

I’ve been so wrapped up with Zander, I forgot how much I’ve missed my friends these past few days.

I walk down the hallway and go into my room. I toss the keys on my dresser and head over to the closet to grab some more canvas, but before I can open the doors, my eyes are drawn to a note on my bed.

My stomach drops in my chest when I pick it up and read it:


I know I haven’t been the best friend to you lately, always bugging you about the problems you’re having with Danny, but I’d just like to tell you I’m just concerned about your well-being. I don’t mean to be intrusive when I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. I just care about you and want what’s best for you. I really do hope that you’ll tell me about your problems one day.

Until then,

Love always,

Crazy Nat

Tears sting the back of my eyes as I read the message.

“Oh Nat,” I say softly, swallowing back a large lump in my throat, “Why do you have to make this so damn hard?” Now I’m really dreading our conversation. A part of me wants to leave now before she comes back, so I don’t have to deal with the situation. But I’m not going to take the easy way out. I’m going to wait until she’s here to decide which action I take.

I reread the message several more times before placing it on my nightstand and walking back into the living room to wait for Nat.

I flip through channels on the TV, thinking Nat is

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