Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,293

and white stone benches.

This is beautiful.

I’m so enthralled with the picturesque scenery that I only make it a couple of steps before I nearly trip over my dress. He told me to wear a gown, and this is the only one I had. The strapless chiffon fabric is forgiving and doesn’t wrinkle which is a plus, but it’s a bit long for my petite stature.


Zander quickly tightens his powerful arm around my waist, saving me, pulling me against his hard body, and forcing me upright. The smell of his masculine cologne tickles my nose as I suck in a grateful breath, my skin pricking from the heat emanating from him. He smells like a fresh breeze and sandalwood. It's both calming and intoxicating.

“I’m sorry,” I apologize softly from beneath lowered lashes, my face burning red with embarrassment. “I wasn’t watching where I was going.”

Zander told me to act like his girlfriend, but all I’m succeeding at is being awkward. I’ve never done this before, and my insecurity doesn’t help. I feel like I’m not worth being on his arm, like it’s obvious this isn’t real. But I force a smile, trying to keep up appearances.

Zander smiles back at me, moving his hand to my hip, and despite my nervousness, I can’t help but notice how handsome he is. He fucking owns the black tux and bow tie he’s wearing. I’ve seen many men in expensive suits at Club X, but I’ve never seen anyone wear one like he does. He radiates, power, wealth and sex like the sun radiates light. I’m breathless, being this close to him. Like I’m drowning. And I don’t want to come up for air.

He chuckles as he says, “I’ve got you. I won’t let you fall.” It’s an odd thing, seeing how charming he is. I wasn’t expecting him to be like this after the signing. I didn’t expect any of this. And I don’t know how to react.

“This place is beautiful,” I say when I catch my breath. I'm trying so hard to be polite and act normal.

“If you think this is beautiful, wait until you see inside,” Zander boasts. His teeth sparkle when he smiles. It’s a beautiful look on him, that gorgeous smile, but it makes me feel uneasy.

Keeping a firm hand on my waist, he leads me up the stairwell. I raise my head, trying to look regal and confident on his arm.

As soon as we walk in, my breath catches in my throat as I take in the impressive architecture. Soft music plays over unseen speakers, setting the romantic ambience. We pass under impossibly high ceilings with massive archways that are decorated with silk sheers. I can see our reflections in the gleaming marble floors, and gorgeous intricate designs are inlaid across the surfaces.

The walls are painted a soft golden color and the sconces on the wall gives off a warm, fuzzy glow, infusing the room with an angelic-like radiance.

Tables are set with pure white cloth and the china and glasses are accented with gold. Expensive. This place looks fucking expensive.

And the people. Everyone here is dressed in their finest.

“You’re right,” I murmur, feeling extremely insecure. I lack the confidence of the other women around me. I have to look out of place on Zander’s arm. “It is better.”

Zander winks at me as we walk up to the reservation area, his arm resting possessively on the curve above my ass. “Told you.” Seeing his playfulness eases my anxiety somewhat, though I clutch at him tightly to deal with my frazzled nerves.

Not a minute passes before a waiter dressed in uniform walks up to us.

“Do you have a reservation?” the waiter asks, his vest bunching slightly as he stands at the podium, flipping over a sheet of paper.

“Payne,” Zander replies shortly although his voice doesn’t hold an edge.

The waiter looks down at the booklet on the podium before nodding and motioning us out of the foyer. “Of course. Right this way, Mr. Payne.”

As we follow the waiter and pass by rows of occupied tables, Zander tightens his grip on my waist and pulls me even closer, causing my skin to flush. It’s like he wants to show me off to the world and wants everyone to know we’re together. I even see a few women look our way, their eyes glued to Zander and traveling down his body, but then stopping at his hold on me.

I try to act confident, but I can’t keep my eyes from nervously darting about. I

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