Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,292

He takes pride in himself and what he does. He’s always worked for me, ever since I was sixteen or so. I didn’t trust him for years though. After all, it was my father who hired him. But on several occasions, he’s proven his loyalty to me and that he can keep secrets.

Still, I’d rather him not hear what I have to tell Arianna. He may be trustworthy, but that doesn’t mean I have to take an unnecessary risk. I haven’t even confided in Charles. The less people who know, the better.

I lean in a bit closer to Arianna, whispering in her ear as I splay my hand along her lower back and lead her into the house. “We need to leave for dinner shortly, but I wanted a private word inside.”

“Yes, Si- Zander,” Arianna’s posture stiffens at her mistake, and I almost regret my plan… almost.

The moment we’re inside, I shut the door and turn to her, slipping my hands into my pockets.

“I’d like you to be my girlfriend,” I tell her simply.

She turns on her heels to face me, a look of not understanding on her face. “I’m sorry?” she asks.

I let out a charming chuckle, and walk the few steps to be closer to her. The house is so much warmer than outside, so much more welcoming.

“You heard me,” I say and take her hand in both of mine. “I’d like you to be my girlfriend in place of what’s written in the contract.”

A knowing look flashes in her eyes and those beautiful lips part as understanding shows in her expression. Again, she doesn’t respond like I thought she would. “A fake girlfriend?” she asks softly.

I pull away slightly and shrug as I reply, “I’ve never had one, so I’m not sure if it’d be all that fake.” My words are casual, but calculated. I want her to believe in it. Of course it’s fake. Yet another mask to hide behind.

Those dark green eyes pierce through me, not fooled by my tone in the least.

I ignore her prying gaze and the disappointment on her expression. “You’ll be my girlfriend. Starting tonight, with a dinner date.” I plaster a fake-ass smile on my face and wait for her reaction.

“Yes, Zander.” Her posture stiffens now that she knows the rules of this game. It’s an act and she’s ready to play the part. But I don’t want her to just play, I need it to feel real.

“Would you talk that way to your boyfriend?” I ask her. My jaw clenches at the thought of her speaking to Brooks like that. I ignore the jealousy creeping up my spine and sending a chill over every inch of my skin.

Arianna holds her clutch in both of her hands clasped in front of her and shakes her head slightly. “No,” she answers honestly.

“Well then, it’s just Zander, alright?” I tell her with a feigned casualness. “None of that…” I don’t finish, not sure how to word her normal submission.

“I don’t know how to…”

“How to what, sweetheart?” The little nickname parts from me without my conscious decision, but the way she reacts makes me want to say a million times over. The soft curves of her face brighten, and a beautiful pink hue rises to her cheeks. She lowers her head a little, closing her eyes and sinking her teeth into her bottom lip as she shakes her head slightly.

“How to,” she starts to say with her eyes still closed and then opens them slowly, those gorgeous green eyes staring straight into me. The way only she can. “How to act tonight?” she asks in a voice so genuine, so sweet. Fuck, and all because I called her sweetheart? The shift in her is addicting. I love the smile. The light that I give her.

This is why I can’t deny her.

Chapter 12


My heart feels like it's going to escape out my throat as I walk up the steps to Gargano’s Italiano restaurant, my heels clicking against the stamped concrete. Wonder courses through my limbs as my eyes take in the gorgeous setting, the bright backlighting illuminating the entire area with soft golden light.

I grip the railing as I walk beside Zander, his arm wrapped loosely around my waist. The stairway leads up to double doors that are surrounded by huge white Greek columns. There’s a ten-foot male statue fountain halfway up the steps, the columns of water spraying high into the air. Surrounding the stairs is lush green landscaping, sprinkled with well-manicured walkways

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