Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,265

heart skips a beat and my skin pricks as reality sets in. The room spins around me as I stare down at him, and I feel like passing out.

“Lilly Marie Wade, my flower,” he says, his voice aching with emotion, “Will you marry me?”

I stare at him in disbelief, my throat so tight with emotion I’m barely able to fill my lungs. I can’t find the words to answer. I’m stunned.

The silence stretches on for several long moments as I try to get over my shock. My chest heaves as I struggle to draw in breaths, my legs feeling like jell-o. Through it all, Joseph waits patiently, staying on one knee.

Say yes you idiot!

“Yes!” I’m finally able to croak when I find my voice, leaning down to wrap my arms around his neck and bury his face with tearful kisses, my heart pounding like a battering ram. “Yes, yes, yes! I’ll marry you Joseph!”

“Good.” Joseph pulls me down into his arms, delivering a deep solid kiss to my lips. “Because I love you Lilly And I’m never letting you go.”

I smile up at him through my tears, my heart aching from the unbelievable joy that fills my body and the happiness I see reflected in his eyes.

Delivering another kiss to his lips, I breathe out through aching lungs, “I love you too, Joseph.”

Sneak Peek of Given

Highest Bidder (Book 4)


I hit delete on the message from that prick on my cell phone.

Adam Brooks, that dumb fuck, owes me a lot of money, more money than he should.

He knew how much debt he had and gambled it all away. He thinks I don’t know… I know everything.

This happens from time to time. Everyone owes me and that’s how I like it. It’s only a matter of time before something gets between me and the money they owe me.

But I don’t care; I always come out on top and that’s what matters. Money isn’t power, it’s leverage. Being owed is power. True power. And that’s what I want. And what I have.

But this dumb fuck owes me more than what’s excusable. More than he’s worth. I can’t allow him to get away with it. He may be a high up executive and think he’s untouchable, but the alcoholic, gambling degenerate is going to give me my money one way or the other. And then I’m done with him. I have enough pull to bury him if I want. I tap my fingers on the hard maple desktop, debating. The rapt rapt rapt echoes rhythmically and calms me slightly.

I could destroy him slowly. Cripple him financially and embarrass him in every way possible. But no one would know why and he’s too pathetic. No, I’ll just take my money and be through with him. He’ll hang himself on his own.

What pisses me off most is what he offered to give me instead of the cash.

I stare the computer screen, the dim glow lighting the darkened room. Isaac gave me her information. Talia Raine.

She’s beautiful. Her gorgeous eyes are haunted by something, darkened by what lies behind them.

He offered me a month with her in exchange for hundreds of thousands of debt that he owes me. The only claim he has to her is the collar around her neck. He assured me she’d do everything that I wanted. He’s trained her, he told me.

My dick hardens at the thought of her on her knees, giving herself to me, pleasing me. I’ve been tempted before at the club, though I’m never taken part. At least not in the open like that. These men are foolish to show their cards. Lucian paid the price years ago, although now it’s paid off for him, the burden of his past only goes to show that NDAs are paperwork, they have no loyalty to them, merely sheets of paper, so easily shredded, so quickly forgotten.

Talia’s haunted eyes shine through the screen, staring back at me. I’ve seen her before, I’ve watched the way he drags her through the halls and leads her to the dungeon. She’s submissive in her nature, but I don’t trust her or his offer. I don’t let anyone close for a reason.

It only takes one slip up to have it all crashing to the ground and leaving the empire I’ve built in ruins. I’ve worked hard to be on top but not be seen. Corruption and power go hand in hand. And women make men fall.

She’s going to be going up for auction if I don’t

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