Highest Bidder Collection - Lauren Landish Page 0,264

job back, before the semester even started. Some anonymous donor came through and funded the Children in Need Foundation.

Anonymous. Joseph actually started to tell me it wasn’t him when I pried. He didn’t want me to feel like I owed him. He has no idea how much I owe him. But not in the way he thinks.

I can’t believe how much he’s helped me in the short time we’ve been together. How much we’ve helped each other. And lately, I’ve been able to have both sides to him, the Master and the gentleman.

A soft sigh escapes my lips at the thought.

Just thinking about it, I can’t imagine my life getting any better.

The sound of heavy footsteps in the doorway causes me to look up and my heart skips a beat at the dangerously sexy man who’s standing there.

“Reading something?” his deep masculine voice asks.

Wearing dark grey dress pants and a white Henley open at the chest, his hair slicked to the side, Joseph looks like an absolute vision as he leans against the doorway with a grin on his face.

“Sir,” I practically purr as he pulls away from the door and walks into the room.

I slip out of my chair and onto my knees, getting down on all floors and crawling forward like a vixen.

Joseph chuckles playfully at the sight. He’s told me to do this when I want to play with him and I take full advantage.

“Up,” he orders me.

I rise to my feet and look him in the eye. Up close, I’m enveloped by that masculine scent that I love so much, and I inhale deeply, sucking in as much of him as I can.

Grinning, he wraps my arms around his waist and pulls me in close, delivering a soft kiss to my lips.

“I was,” I reply to his earlier question when he pulls back, leaving me breathless.

He chuckles again. “I know. I could hear you yelling from across the house.”

My cheeks turn red with embarrassment. I hadn’t realized I’d been yelling like a maniac. But I guess that’s what happens when you get smacked in the face with a cliffhanger.

“Sorry,” I mutter.

Joseph quirks an amused eyebrow. “What happened in it that got you so worked up?”

“You don’t want to know,” I growl.

Joseph pouts. “That’s not fair.”

Neither was that ending. I still want to beat that author’s ass like they’re a submissive from Club X. I don’t bother saying it though.

“Life isn’t fair,” I say giving him another kiss on the lips.

Joseph grins at me.

We stare at each other for a moment, and my heart feels full. I can’t believe how lucky that I am to have this man.

“What?” I ask, breaking out of my thoughts to see Joseph gazing at me with a mischievous smile.

“I’ve got something for you.”

My heart stalling in my chest, I watch as he produces a large, black velvet box. For a moment, I think it might be an engagement ring, but the box is far too big.

A faint smile spreads across my face and I shake my head at my eagerness. It’s too soon to be expecting something like that. But I do want it. I want everyone to know that he’s mine and I’m his.

It will happen, I tell myself. Eventually.

I clear my throat, reaching out for it, our fingers brush against one another and I feel that same spark I felt so long ago. Maybe not that long ago, but it feels like it, with everything we’ve been through.

“Open it,” he prods softly, pushing the box into my hands.

I keep the smile on my face although my throat closes, and I do as he says. My heart jumps when I see what’s inside, my knees going weak.

“Joseph,” I gasp, my eyes filling with tears, the air being pulled from my lungs. Oh my god, oh my god, I repeat in my mind over and over.

It’s a collar, a beautiful one, black and silver, encrusted with sparkling diamonds. But it isn’t the first thing that caught my eye.

There’s a ring in there too. I choke on my words for a moment, in shock but mostly just overwhelmed with so much happiness.

“What’s this?” I somehow manage, my voice a breathless whisper, though I know exactly what it is. Staring at the ring, a platinum band with a large, sparkling diamond atop of it, It’s suddenly very hard to breathe.

I imagined it moments before, but this doesn’t seem real.

Joseph sinks to his knee in front of me, his heart in his eyes. My

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